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Setting up the braking with Saitek rudder pedals

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Evening all,


Following my brush with Windows 10 and the re-installation of Windows 7 I have had to re-install Steam & FSX plus all my Saitek products.


I never had my toe brakes set correctly before my Windows 10 experience so now I am re-installing everything I aim to take my time and set everything up correctly.


I have used the FSX settings to set up toe braking to enable me to steer the plane whilst on the ground and this shows in the red box in the left hand corner of the screen as "progressive braking" when I apply pressure to either the right or left toes.


However once I have done this and released the pressure I am left with "brakes" showing in the red box in the left hand corner of the screen and I cannot get rid of it?


The only way I can make it disappear is to apply the parking brakes and then release them?


Any ideas??



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I chose not to have any text appearing on the screen ( I know what I do with my brakes, no need to read it...), so this problem never happened to me... :)  Can't remember at the moment exactly where this option is, it's somewhere in the FSX settings.

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Actually, whether you can see it or not - the brakes are 'on'. Definitely a PITA on takeoff.


Best advice I've seen came from John Allard. It solved my issues with setting up my CH Pro pedals - same as above. Brakes will not go off. John suggests going through the setup procedure with a couple of paint stir sticks (approx 1/2" or 50mm) under the heel of the brake pedals. Once you've finished the setup, there's that extra space for the back of the pedal to drop so the brakes really do come off.


I've also spent quite a bit of time finding a decent "null zone" for the rudder pedals. It can be set quite high and still give you decent results both on the ground and in the air.


The setting that @corsair31 refers to is best edited in the .CFG file. Under [DISPLAY] look for InfoBrakesEnable=(True/False). If set to False you will not get the red "Brakes" tag at the bottom of your screen.

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Most likely you have a "null zone" at the end of your two brake axis. This means that once you release pressure on the pedals and they end up in the end zone they default back to 50% brakes (centered position).


In FSX reduce the null zone to 0 for the two toe brake axis (hmm, what the heck is the plural for axis in english??) and that should do the trick..


If not, check that there is no null zone set in the windows settings for the controller..

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Mike, if you are using FSUIPC, and I hope you are, you need to set up the toe brakes and then set them to reverse. I believe the box for reverse is on the lower right hand side of the FSUIPC panel.

Set reverse tiebreakers and your problems will disappear.

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Thanks for all the feedback so far guys.


I will get on this at the weekend and have a look at my "null" zones.


Needles: Actually I am not using FSUIPC, I was told in an earlier thread on another subject that it may be a bit complex for a beginner like me? Should I have a re-think re this?



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I consider my self a fairly experienced flight simmer at this point, and I'm still not using FSUIPC for my controller settings (although I am considering giving it a try as I'm in the process of installing all my addons on a new computer).


You can manage perfectly without it.. 


That said it does offer a few upsides, such as the possibility of having separate profiles set up for different planes, and more precise calibration and sensitivity settings.

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I've been plagued with this problem on FS9 over the last week or so,  Tried all suggestions about setting sensitivity and null zones, re-calibrated numerous times, all without success.  


Eventually I did fix the issue by installing the CH Product Manager software ( I use the CH Rudder pedals) and using it to calibrate the toe brakes. The windows game controller calibration did not seem to do the job.


No problem on FSX as I use FSUIPC to calibrate the brakes and it so was able to workaround the problem.  Perhaps if Saitek provide calibration software it is worth playing around with that rather than the windows one.

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I use a Thrustmaster joystick, a Saitek yoke ( following if the plane has a joystick or a yoke), a Saitek quadrant, a Cessna trim wheel, Saitek rudder pedals and don't use FSUIPC either. Everything (axes and buttons) is set in FSX and has always been perfectly working for what I need.

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