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Flight sim Aurora Borealis?

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There's a lengthy thread at the Historic Jetliners Group forums, with links to other places.  I only skimmed, didn't read in detail but I think I saw references to payware and to something available free on Flightsim.com, as well as references to occurrences in native FS9 and FSX.






EDIT:  There's also a page on them at Simtours...






EDIT EDIT:  There's a discussion at FSDevelopers.com that seems to indicate that they are not available in FSX but were in FS9.  One of the corresponents is trying to replicate them in FSX with limited success. 




Several threads at AVSLIME on the topic typically have no useful information - just people obsessing over how beautiful they are in real life.



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Gladly Joe :)


in Sim root you will find stars.dat file,
you can opened edit it with text editor directly,


this file contains all the constellations and stars system catalog for Sim;
it was created long time ago and basically partial data was used;

i have recently compiled a complete stars.dat db from latest available data (sized 180mb),
i was looking to add this as another night layer for even more enhanced night environment experience,
you can add any constellation you wish to the catalog as well configure effect and brightness applied,


to see Aurora Borealis set ->
; colorize Polaris (north star): =no; 1=yes


also advised to set ->

; display constellations: =no; 1=yes
; colorize the first star of each zodiacal constellation: =no; 1=yes

this is how the file looks like (partial listings)

; Star catalog for Microsoft Flight Simulator

; Data source:
; The Bright Star Catalogue,  5th Revised Ed. (Preliminary Version)
;     Hoffleit D., Warren Jr W.H.
;    <Astronomical Data Center, NSSDC/ADC (1991)>

; http://tdc-www.harvard.edu/software/catalogs/bsc5.html
; ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/cats/V/50/

[Star Settings]

; intensity of stars without explicit color in Star Locations table

; number of stars in [Star Locations] table

; display constellations: 0=no; 1=yes

; colorize Polaris (north star): 0=no; 1=yes

; colorize the first star of each zodiacal constellation: 0=no; 1=yes

; constellation lines formed by joining stars referenced by FK5 number

;Big dipper
Constellation.0 = 5191,5054,4905,4660,4554,4295,4301,4660

; Orion's Belt
Constellation.1 = 1852,1903,1948

[Star Locations]
;Star.1234 =     HR,raH,raM,  raS, decD,deM,deS,   mag,             specType,      color,       name
Star.0     =      1, 00, 05, 09.9,  +45, 13, 45,  6.70,                 A1Vn, 0x00E8F8E8,           
Star.1     =      2, 00, 05, 03.8,  -00, 30, 11,  6.29,                  gG9, 0x15E6E6E6,           
Star.2     =      3, 00, 05, 20.1,  -05, 42, 27,  4.61,         K0IIIbCN-0.5, 0x8EFBF5CF,  33    Psc
Star.3     =      4, 00, 05, 42.0,  +13, 23, 46,  5.51,                G5III, 0x57F9F9D3,  86    Peg
Star.4     =      5, 00, 06, 16.0,  +58, 26, 12,  5.96,                  G5V, 0x34F9F9D3,           
Star.5     =      6, 00, 06, 19.0,  -49, 04, 30,  5.70,                 G1IV, 0x49F9F9D3,           
Star.6     =      7, 00, 06, 26.5,  +64, 11, 46,  5.59,                B9III, 0x51E8EAF8,  10    Cas
Star.7     =      8, 00, 06, 36.8,  +29, 01, 17,  6.13,                  K0V, 0x24FBF5CF,           
Star.8     =      9, 00, 06, 50.1,  -23, 06, 27,  6.18,                  A7V, 0x20E8F8E8,           
Star.9     =     10, 00, 07, 18.2,  -17, 23, 11,  6.19,                 A6Vn, 0x1FE8F8E8,           
Star.10    =     11, 00, 07, 44.1,  -02, 32, 56,  6.43,             B8IIIpSi, 0x07E8EAF8,           
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Pleasure Joe :hat:
my nights with the latest stars db are indeed fantastic and very different than stock star map,

anyone interested latest catalog is here http://tdc-www.harvard.edu/software/catalogs/ or here  ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/cats/V/145/
(source data links are in start.dat body; though the links point to a very old catalog)

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