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Haul of ze day - March 21

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Today we move 1334 lbs of memory sticks from Homer PAHO to Seward PAWD with the Cessna 207 Bush for 13.340 $.


Weather in Homer is OK, visibility is average with 8.5 nm, temperature on ground is 7°C, wind east 10 knots, pressure 29.53 in. We have a few clouds at 5000 ft, scattered at 6000 ft and broken at 10.000 ft. It will be enough ceiling to fly across the southern Kenai peninsula.


Waiting for take off on runway 4.




Take off and turning south, climbing to 4500 ft.




Crossing the Kachemak Bay, still climbing.




Following the Tutka Bay, aiming to cross over the mountain ridge at 4000 ft.




On the other side, flying east along the coast of Nuka Island.




Over Ragged Island.




Entering Resurrection Bay at 2500 ft, the ceiling is down to 3700 ft with light rain.




Seward is at the end of the fjord.




Delivery done, it's now time for a good warm lunch.









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Great shots there Loic of a busy work day. :thum: I like that paint job too, it has a interesting design that makes it look newish with the metallic colors but the red around the windows gives it an older paint feel. :cool:

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