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Leg 22: Honolulu Intl - San Francisco Intl

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Hi all,

Well done to David for a great post on leg 21 first of all :cool: . Now that we're in Honolulu in lovely Hawaii, the baton has been entrusted to a loyal assosciate of ours who will carry it into the States. He's also been supplied with a small washkit and a hefty bribe for the customs staff :mrhappy:

Anyway, onto the shots. Followed real-world schedules on this one, so here are the details of the flight taken from United's website:


Honolulu Intl HNL - San Francisco Intl SFO

Dep 07:30am - Arr 03:34pm - Total time 5hrs 4mins


Prepping the aircraft at Gate 7, and the doors are just about to be opened. It's a good time of year to visit Honolulu, so we are nearly fully loaded.


Taxiing out. I tend to forget just how big the 763 is until I see it like this, dwarfing the 737 behind us.


Forgot the line-up shots, sorry. Just climbing in to the warm Pacific air, and the last 6 hours of the Pacific sector are underway.


Up to 8000ft. In the distance is the same skyline we saw at the end of David's Leg 21 post.


The "office". We've just hit the button to let the cabin crew know that they can start to move around. We're flying the KEAHI3 departure, with a transition at JORDA.


We're getting higher. We have 5 hours and 30 minutes to kill according to the FMC, so we're in no hurry to climb.


Bye bye Hawaii. And thank you FSGlobal.


Our route out of Honolulu and accross the Pacific. I haven't added the approach to SFO in yet, that's why it terminates so early. Altitude wasn't set right in this picture either.


38,000ft above the fishes now. Just being handed off by Honolulu Control, and the FMC gives us the daunting message, "IRS NAV ONLY".


The flight attendants start their in-flight service, the seat belt signs go off, and the atmosphere inside the 767 becomes relaxed. The reserve pilots (the ones not in the cockpit) start to mingle with the passengers.



Looking from the baton carrier's point of view, over the wing. Not much to see here.


Same angle, different weather. The crystal clear skies are being clouded up as we approach the mainland.


View accross the 767's wonderful VC.


Turning. We call the chief flight attendant to the cockpit and explain to her that we will be descending soon, so it would be a good idea to finish up with the trolley.


Oakland Center guiding us in to runway 19L, on a LOCKE1 STAR.


California, the Ground Environment way. We're quite low now, and the seatbelt signs go on for the passengers. The flight attendants continue to waltz about though.


Baton cam over the wing again. Just descending through some clouds as we enter the traffic pattern.


Over a highway and on to our final approach. Cabin crew making their way back up the aircraft to their seats.


Tower view as the mighty 767 lowers its gear, on the ILS for 19L. We're contacting the tower with the good news.


The San Francisco bay area. Bonus point if you know the airport name.


Manually flying now and on finals. The company 757 powering off the runway, so we won't have to go around.


The baton carrier gets nervous on landings and couldn't hold the camera steady, so the person behind him took the shot instead.


One of my favourite shots of this set, this one. The golden few feet between the autothrust going off and the wheels hitting the ground.


We touch down with a satisfying thud, and nicely on the centreline. Gently lowering the nose as the reversers come unlocked and the spoilers deploy.


Turning off and beginning quite a short taxi in, for gate 15 via Hotel, Alpha, and Hotel taxiways.


Parked up. Just waiting for the engines to cool and the jetway to join us before we let the passengers off. Pretty quiet at SFO, the rush hour hasn't started yet.


Total flight time due to winds and holds was 5hrs 30mins, with 6hrs 30mins of in-cockpit time for me. That's the end of the Pacific sector guys :-) . Welcome to the USA!


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Fantastic flight Dave, going have another look later on need to study closer.

I was hoping you were not going to get there today :mrhappy: I've still got work to do for the North American leg :blush

I will do my darnedest to get it live for late tomorrow, all the legs have been decided and I'm getting all the flight permission etc now.


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Fantastic flight Dave, going have another look later on need to study closer.

I was hoping you were not going to get there today :mrhappy: I've still got work to do for the North American leg :blush

I will do my darnedest to get it live for late tomorrow, all the legs have been decided and I'm getting all the flight permission etc now.


It's these damn airline flights Mut, they're never convenient :roll:

:mrhappy: No worries mate, take your time.

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