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Fs9 and CH Products 3 lever Yoke

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Hello many years ago I had the same problem and somebody sent me a download fix to reset the Elevator on my Yoke, clever me lost it after using it wonder if anyone can help with my Elevator

I'm using fs2009 IFly 737NG with CH USB 3 lever Yoke
My problem is the Elevator Controls my settings are
Controls - Assignments- Joystick Axes
Aileron Axis X
Elevator Axis Y
Elevator pitch down Number 8
Elevator trim down 7 Joystick 11
Elevator trim up 1 joystick 12
When I move the Yoke Forwards of backwards the Elevator does not return to its centered position usually remaining upwards I have centred the Elevator using the Wheel on the left lower part of the Yoke but as soon as I move the yoke the Elevator just goes up and does not return to its centre position, I have tried resetting the defaults and calibrating but I can't get the Elevator to work, a friend of mine said he was provided with a download to fix this problem please could you help me


Any help most appreciated i'm grounded

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Hi Constantine and welcome to Mutley's Hangar,:hat: sorry I didn't see this earlier.


I don't know much about this stuff and hopefully those more knowledgeable will chime in. Have you checked to see if there are two different entities messing with each other like the default controller settings and the CH settings program? I did try doing a search for such a fix and came up empty, sorry.

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Hi Brett

Thank you for your kind efforts  the CH Yoke works perfectly with the exception of being able to return the elevators to their neutral position after the yoke is pushed forwrds or backwards so the plane either climbs nose up or descends like a dart  I've used all the calibration utilities in fs2004 and Windows Devices and Printers calibration for the CH Yoke and also the CH Products Control Manager but nothing seems to re-calibrate the elevator to perform its normal function

In the past Logitech provided a Clear Calibration games controller Utility but sadly they don't do it for Windows 7 that solved the problem straight away.

Anyway thank you Brett very much appreciated !


Best Wishes


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...works perfectly with the exception of being able to return the elevators to their neutral position after the yoke is pushed forwrds or backwards...


Aha!  That is a textbook description of a null zone issue and that's exactly the behavior that the null zone setting is intended to eliminate.  The device does not accurately or consistently return to a precise center position when displaced. Increase the null zone setting for the elevator axis.



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The Clear calibration tool that you referred to does work in W7.  I had a similar problem to yourself with a locked rudder axis a couple of years ago.  Have uploaded both the 32 & 64bit versions to Dropbox for you.  Version detail dates are both 15042012.or 04152012 if you live in USA or Australia.  Hope it works for you.  Will leave the link up for 7 days.



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Thank you so much Arnold, actually I live in Nagoya Japan (RJGG) I have to be different don't I ? appologies, but hopefully that should be okay I have windows 7 32 64bt

Arnold did you have the CH Products Yoke also, I've had this one quite a while but I remember same problem with Elevator few years back and once the clear calibration was applied it plopped right back into position.

I've had fiun and games with Rudder Axis also so many times deleting the axis assigning it to yoke aligning the rudder asigning AileronRudder in buttons to Number 5 and resetting defaults to recify as sometimes the rudder would turn to left or right on landing, so frustrating, but alas its okay just this Elevator raising its head again anyway Arnold, I can't say how grateful I am for your kind support, I'll give it a whirl and let you know if I can cancel my Hara Kiri


Best Wishes


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Arnold thank you so very much indeed  it worked a treat and immediately restored the Elevator function to normal i'm so happy and relieved, Arnold if there's anything here in Japan you would like  I can post over to show my thanks please let me know.!


Again Arnold thank you so much for taking the time out to bring my Flight Simulator back to life again !


Sincere Best Wishes


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I followed this one from the wings because I have a CH yoke as well.

Very happy that Richard is back in the air and able to leave the seppuku back in the hangar.  Another simmer's life saved...Phew!

Well done Arnold!  :thum:


Mutleys Hangar: Saving sims, saving lives. It's like a FS Emergency Room. :salute: 

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Hi well my joy was short-lived though the Elevator problem was resolved but tonight after installing Rex Extreme Clouds for some reason my Yoke won't align now I've re-used the Clear Calibration tool you kindly sent me Ive unistalled the Rex extreme clouds but alas that hasnt rectified it  wonder if anyone has any suggestions please


Many Thanks


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Sorry to hear of your woes Richard.  Sounds like there is more going on under the hood than would be expected. 

Don't know how long you have had your FS9 setup installed but if it is perhaps getting long in the tooth; then maybe a complete uninstall and reinstall may be in order and don't forget to clean the registry before reinstalling.  The only cost with that is time. 

If the strange Yoke behaviour persists then it will point to a faulty device.  A not so cheap remedy then being to replace the Yoke.

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Hello Arnold, well I think its the wires in my head that need repairing, the Yoke was obviously not doing its thing until I had reached an advanced stage in the pre-flight start up process then all fired up Ailerons were perfect so your trusty clean calib utility had worked wonderfully before so appologies for my recent SOS. I've gone through typhoons, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Nuclear reactor breakdowns, here in Japan, but the demise of a man's flight simulator yoke is a bridge too far !!

Arnold once again deepest gratitude !


Sayonara until my next meltdown


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