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Just a collection of various snaps taken while playing around with the new EA AH2.


Very much enjoying doing passenger ops, and getting a chance to use the Pax version of the Carenado Caravan for once...the Cargomaster is a terrific hauler but it's One Paint version is rather dull.


Getting a TR in the Alabeo R66



Hauling a couple Ad Hoc pax and a fat load of commodities from Oakland to Mather...passing over the Sacramento area here.


Heavy Copter Ops down in the Las Vegas area...commodity hauling. I found some terrific deals down here.


And more deals around the SF bay area. The Chinook is brilliant for quick commodity turn around flights.


Jacksons AYPY New Guinea. The turbo twin C90 is a nice fast Passenger plane for around here.


Commanders are all over my fleets everywhere, so versatile.



PC-12 operating Ad Hoc flights up in the Seatle/Friday Harbor area.



My heaviest venture so far...a small fleet of 727's and 707's to try out some long distance Pax Scheduled flights. I am taxiing back after getting the TR for this plane here.


Phenom e500 is a plush ride for High Rollers...It doesn't carry many passengers, but they pay very well for a long flight in this baby.



And enjoying the Executive Caravan...a very decent Pax hauler and Pax money maker for a small to medium start up.





Edited by Captain Coffee
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great shots Matt, some wicked lightning you had there, have you not got the FEDEX/DHL paints for the cargomaster?......I love the sound of the Chinook, used to be a great feeling flying in the back of one in the Army.....I like the Commander, may get it......

Edited by wain
bad spelling...oops...
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Thanks for the comments guys. Brett, I was higher than it looks, and didnt actualy overfly the panels...just carved a turn near one corner for a better look...that's a pretty freaking huge solar panel array.

Edited by Captain Coffee
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Nice pics and a large scope of planes/helos between the R66 and the B 727 ! :thum:  I see you're getting into pax transport, I bet they complain more about climb/descent rates and heavy touchdowns than the good old cargo crates ! :)

Edited by Corsaire31
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24 minutes ago, Captain Coffee said:

...that's a pretty freaking huge solar panel array.


That appears to be Ivanpah, rated at the equivalent of about a 100 MW power plant (940,000 MW-h/year / 365 / 24 = ~ 107 MW), figured on a round-the-clock basis.  So far, after two + years of operation it almost hit 70% of that during its second year.  For a size comparison, each of the two nuclear units where I worked were rated at 1,100 MW, so about eleven times the output of this, times two.

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2 hours ago, Corsaire31 said:

Nice pics and a large scope of planes/helos between the R66 and the B 727 ! :thum:  I see you're getting into pax transport, I bet they complain more about climb/descent rates and heavy touchdowns than the good old cargo crates ! :)


Indeed, vociferously...and rapidly during Xwind landings.


But I just read a tip on the EA forums that may help:


ASN has turbulence settings, wind shear, etc, and since cargo never complained about a "fun ride" in AH1, I had them set rather high back when I installed it, and forgot it.... I adjusted those down to default settings and hoping it makes for happier pax and better px rep.


John, thanks for the ID and info on the panel field. It's part of the ORBx SOcal region recently released, and recently installed by me...loving the improved scenery.



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19 minutes ago, Captain Coffee said:

It's part of the ORBx SOcal region recently released, and recently installed by me...loving the improved scenery.


It looks like a pretty good depiction of a thermal solar plant.



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