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Hi all.


I am toying with the Idea of creating a cockpit that looks and feels as close as possible to a real cockpit.


I am looking to do this with either the JF Hawk or the MilViz Phantom, the latter being favorite at the moment.


What I need to know id the internal measurements of the cockpit and the panels found inside the cockpit.  Outside dimensions are of little use as I will only be creating the cockpit shell, similar to  http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php?/topic/14851-spitfire-mk-ix-cockpit-build/&page=3

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Thanks Brett. I have seen this sight and it provides much of the detail I need. However I can't see any measurements so getting the size of each panel is difficult. One such measurement will allow me to calculate most of the others from the cockpit layout diagrams.

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22 hours ago, J G said:

Thanks Brett. I have seen this sight and it provides much of the detail I need. However I can't see any measurements so getting the size of each panel is difficult. One such measurement will allow me to calculate most of the others from the cockpit layout diagrams.


Did you click on the pictures, they open up pretty big for me?

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@brett seeing the pictures is not an issue. It's a question of scale.


I can see the relative size of everything in the cockpit from the pictures which is great, but I have no information of the actual feet and inches (metres and Centimetres for us Europeans and Canadians) of any aspect of the cockpit panels.  So, lets say, I know that a panel is X inches wide and X/4 inches tall. This can be applied to any item in the cockpit in relation to X the width of our one panel as the relative dimensions are available, so the diameter of an instrument can be expressed as, say, X/20 or some such number.  However without knowing what the value of X is I cant understand the dimensions I need to create an accurate full sized cockpit, only a scaled size cockpit based on whatever I decide X to be.


The diagrams are great as if I have the true size of just one measurement, any measurement (x), I can calculate all the other measurements from it.     

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Hey JG,

The way I get around things like this is to download a blueprint if available. 

Then import the picture in to Sketchup and use the measure tool to find the true dimensions. Is the attached blueprint of any use to you. It shouldn't take long to figure out the dimensions, given the scale the guy has put on it.

I am away from home at the moment, otherwise I would have a go at it, as I have sketchup. There is a free copy of sketchup available.


Hope this is of use.




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