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New Pilot and Plane for the Orkney Short Leg...maybe...

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It sounded like a terrific fun place to fly...short hops, picturesque islands...my pilot friend Brett told me all about the amazing world renown Westray/Papa Westray "shortest route" and after virtually months of haggling and paperwork, it was time for my check ride in the new competitors for the Westray Route..ExtraOrkney Airlines...I'm trying out for the first pilot job and the world's shortest workday in one flight. We have only been able to negotiate for the 2 mile leg, with larger aircraft than the old Islanders...moving up to DO228's, and I have one shot to nail my combination Check Flight in the DO228 and impress the local negotiators who are deciding if we get the contract.


Midday check ride was patchy weather, a bit breezy, but nice.



And a very promising check ride indeed.


With an impressive Smoooooth landing to seal both the deals...BAM, we/I got the evening route.


Later that evening...didn't Brett mention something about adding weather for even more fun? F'n Jerk. :P


That 2 miles is a lot longer when it's "Fun".


And the field is a LOT shorter...but we make it...OK this time. Phew. We'll see how the weather pans out for the morning run.



Cheers, thanks for the idea Hifly (OP of the World's Shortest Airline route 1 mil pax post) and to Brett for his suggestion to try it out in some weather. :D

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Now Matt, I know the Islander is old and that it would not win any beauty competition but that Dornier is just plane ugly. BTW, AFAIK the Islander was the UK's best selling aircraft.

Thanks for the ride though. :thum:

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The DO228 is a great little aircraft, a worthy follow on to the DO28 Skyservant with which it shares some commonality. Ideal for the island hopping routes, though retracting and lowering the gear seems pointless on the shorter runs. If you get a chance fly up to Barra where you land on the beach! But be warned if it's just after the tides gone out the aircraft could get bogged down or worse! 


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Thanks for the comments folks... But I definitely have to comment on hifly's remarks. I think if we all took a long hard look at ourselves in the mirror we'd have to admit that judging airworthiness based on looks might have a lot of us sitting in the blocks, or worse, in the bone yards. I personally love the Dornier 228, and am happy to Catch the 22-Boxcar in any of my air hauler companies. I've long been a believer that pretty is as pretty does and the dornier does pretty damn good. Sure, it won't be on the cover of Playplane magazine... But a shapely hull is not a requirement in my air hauler companies...just a good attitude :)

Edited by Captain Coffee
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I was joking - tongue-in-cheek mode. You CAN get yourself in a heap of trouble in less than two minutes in an aircraft. Or a car, or a skateboard, or a.........


Yeah, the boat is a much better idea. But then, I'm seriously into boats.


You can get yourself into a heap of trouble in less than two minutes on a boat, too. However, it's rarely fatal.

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