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Tour of Tuvalu Atolls

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More additions to my Sim this holiday season...all from the PC Aviator cyber sale.


This time, an upgrade to the center of the Pacific Ocean...or thereabout.Pacific Islands Simulation make the ATOLLS OF TUVALU scenery package, and I was prepared to be underwhelmed being an avid ORBx collector. I was not underwhelmed at all. It's a very nicely detailed scenery package not quite up to ORBx textures, but not far behind, and a serius upgrade to some previously rather barren islands that now offer some fun flying and scenic air hauling. Pacific Islands Simulations included a couple pdf files identifying general installation information, scenery general info including some geo political information about the atoll chain,  more detailed airfield information with radio freqs, nav aids, features and hazards and operational restrictions for various fields.


I'm starting at NGFU, FUNAFUTI INTERNATIONAL, the largest airfield in the chain... in one of a pair of new warbirds BF.109 from Warbirdsim It flys well, looks decent, but the VC is a bit clunky and not up to current state of the art, although fairly heavily animated, its a good "Working VC" but your more likely to send home postcard shots from it, rather than of it. (...the other half of the pair is a better rendered P51 Mustang with again a very servicable animated cockpit, and much better attention to detail than the 109.


Starting up at the end of the runway... take off...then a quick turn around this atoll for views from a few angles:




Turning to next atoll.



After looking away from the stunning scenery to my running clock...I realized a faster touring platform was in order if I intend to complete this tour, and maybe post the trip tonight...F9F Panther from Vertigo Studios...pretty impressed with this bird inside and out and amazed I hadn't heard of them yet.


NGNA, Nukufetau.


NGPF, Vaitiupu Island


NGFT, Nui Atoll


NGTO, Niutao


NGMG, Nanumauga Island



NGME, Nanumea...the final atoll in our new and improved Tuvalu Atolls...but certainly not the least.  A few details to see here before landing.


The hot air balloon is a pretty touch, but seems a foolhardy place to launch a wind driven craft...not like there are many fields to land if you get blown away. I sure hope it is a Tethered Hot Air balloon.


Greasing into Nanumea to end our tour. The Panther is a graceful flyer. Like a cat it lands nimbly on it's feet when it finally falls from the sky.


Heading for a rather well provisioned hangar, (Lots of tool boxes in there...no doubt those will come in handy!) perhaps my new AH2 base of operations in the Tuvalus? Either end of the chain have plenty of services...cost might be the decider, and this one no doubt has cheaper office space that the International Airport we started at on Nujufetau Atoll.



Gonna sleep on it for now.


Cheers, Thanks for joining the Virtual Tour...of course neither of these birds carry pax. :D



Edited by Captain Coffee
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Thanks Joe, I was happy to take a crack at this one and guinea pig it. If you recall from my long Venezuela to Yellowknife trip, ORBx Global in the Caribbean era looks pretty darn cracking too... And I would happily buy any ORBx product that covered the Pacific Islands. Sadly none exist besides Hawaii upgrades and their Papua New Guinea offerings in the global range, and although Global Base and Vectors does a fairly good job over default scenery... These little out-of-the-way island chains are still pretty neglected even in the ORBx global scenery. I dislike longwater flights, but I love short hops between pretty little islands and Hawaii is getting a little old at this point. This one atoll chain offers a whole bunch of flights varying from 20 up to 150 miles or so between airfields.


I'm currently having a little trouble importing this scenery into air hauler, but I'm sure Slopey and the Wizards at the EA forums will be able to figure it out.

Edited by Captain Coffee
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