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Postscript....Further reading shows me that the Navigraph pack is designed solely for the Carenado EMB505 Phenom 300. 

So, to rephrase my question, is that particular aircraft worth buying?

  Thank you, chaps.

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Bit of a learning curve with the glass panels on the Phenom 300 but well worth the effort James. All the Carenado aircraft are great looking aircraft, able to fly by numbers and the only downside is minimal customer service. That said, there is plenty of information out there to cure any ills you might come across. I have a selection of them in my hangar and I'm sure others do too.:)   

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The very old Carenados are quite a bit dated. Although I do tend to fly their Mooney m20j a lot, it's a great AirHauler starter plane, it's artwork is rather dated by now, as are most of the 12 buck and under offerings in the latest sale.

Regrettably and typically the newer stuff of theirs is not very discounted in this current sale, but if you are interested in one of the newer planes, they are all gorgeous and worth the full price let alone the discounted price. Good time to snatch one up.


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On 08/12/2016 at 14:20, Onward79 said:

Postscript....Further reading shows me that the Navigraph pack is designed solely for the Carenado EMB505 Phenom 300. 

So, to rephrase my question, is that particular aircraft worth buying?

  Thank you, chaps.


Yes yes yes! I have many hours logged and enjoyed every one of them!

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That will become apparent during the install. It will list where IT want's to install...modify that if your install is in a different location, but Carenados tend to find my FSX located on my D drive, if you have other Carenados installed I bet it will locate yours. If this is your First Carenado, def pay attention to the install path...direct it to your FSX main folder if necc.

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Problem. I installed the Carenado 300 first. Selected the FSX radio button but that wouldn't suffice and I then had to select 'Browse' and enter this path:

C\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fsx

Eventually both it and the Nav pack are there along with a bundle of pdf files 


There's no icon on my desptop and nothing showing in my Start menu.

  Where have I gone wrong???

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That's because the Carenado Phenom 300 has installed to your flight sim...nothing installs to the Desktop or the Start Menu.


You have not been specific in stating what it is you expect to see on the Desktop or Start Menu, but all pdf manuals can be accessed directly from the C\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fsx\Carenado\EMB505_Phenom300 folder, or similar location.

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Hi James,


If you browse to you base folder for FSX Steam then go to the Carenado folder then the model folder you will see the manuals in there and you and right click and drag a short cut to your desktop. You won't see any links on the start menu. :hat:

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Apologies for being a pain but as regards the manuals, there is no problem. I am knee deep in accessible manuals. What I haven't been able to do is crank up the aircraft. I haven't found any 'exe' file or whatever it is that I need. How do I get to clamber into  this aircraft and fly it? 

 I am feeling a right klutz.

Thanks for advce, as ever. 

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There is no .exe file. You start FSX SE, as you would normally, and select the aircraft from the aircraft selection menu in the flight sim, in the same way you would select any other aircraft. If the aircraft is not available from the aircraft selection menu, you haven't installed it correctly.

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