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We have been discussing the possibility of having an airfield to call our own. And the one which best suits the criteria would be Southampton as it is near to where Joe lives, has some freeware scenery available for both FS9 and FSX (VFR Airfields for FSX) and is accessible for some smaller commercial jets as well as having a thriving GA community. Based on the South Coast of England it gives easy access for short flights to France across the channel, as well as some scenic flights around the Isle of Wight. Not to mention being close to some of the bussiest airspace on earth! So there should be something for everyone there.

What we would like to do is have Southampton as our home base and then every few weeks have a 'Destination Airfield' for people to fly around. This airfield will be one that has something special about it; Approach, scenery, weather etc... Just somewhere else for people to practice their skills at. When each new destination airport is revealed we will open a new topic thread where you can post your screenshots of this airfield and then the Mods will vote for the best screenshot, the winner being able to decide where the next destination airfield will be. Doing it this way should throw up some interesting places to fly that some of us didn't even know existed. I will choose the first airfield, but after that it's up to you! If this idea proves to be popular it will be given it's own forum where you can post and discuss things about the airfield; suggest flights, approach/departure tips, scenery add-ons etc..

What are your thoughts on this idea?

Please note that this is in no way intended to replicate anything resembling a virtual airline.

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