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Aerosucre B727-200F Crash

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Wings and tanks must have come of early in the crash or no one would have survived that fireball. Can't imagine the horror of being crew on that thing during that crash. If this was a Company caused Overload/Greed incident...shame. No Classic Jet let alone crew lives are worth a Few Dollars More. :(

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If the smoke/vapor trailing behind was hydraulic fluid, which is likely after having an inboard flap ripped off, they didn't have a chance.  If it was fuel and the hydraulics were not affected, MAYBE they could have flown out if it by exceeding the EPR ratings for the engines, but still pretty iffy.  It was going to be a high-drag situation no matter what, with the necessary aileron/rudder offset to counteract the roll moment from the asymmetrical flaps.  


A too-high takeoff weight could certainly explain it.  Given that the nose was up at somewhere near the correct pitch angle, it was probably not a CG issue.  The elevators appeared to be nearly full up when they went through the fence.


Field elevation is only 180' MSL so not a factor adversely affecting performance.


That's a sad one on a couple of levels - people and a fine old airframe both destroyed.



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