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As many of you will no doubt have heard, Carrie Fisher passed away today after her heart attack. She was just 60 years old. I remember seeing her in the 1975 film Shampoo where she was a forward young hussy who asked Warren Beatty if he wanted to f***! She was gorgeous then and it was obvious that this young starlet was going places. Little did I realise just how far she was going to go! To Star Wars fans everywhere, including myself, she will always be remembered as the beautiful Princess Leia. A star has truly gone out of our world and she will be sorely missed. RIP Carrie, May the force be always with you. :cray:




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I don't think this year has been extra specially bad, it's just that (a) the celebs *we* grew up with are reaching popping-off age and (b) thanks to the modern internet-of-things we all get to hear of it pretty much instantly. Previously it was either "Xyz has died." "Who? Meh!" or ""Did you know wossname died?" "Yeah, that was years ago, didn't you know?"

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Agreed Tim. However seeing young'uns around my age (53-60) popping off early is making me wonder if I should start serious work on the bucket list, or be jealous that they are getting out before the Trump Era begins? :(

Thinking mainly that I should seriously concentrate on the -Sailing away and retiring to a deserted atoll- bucket list item.

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1 hour ago, allardjd said:


Too late!



If that nutcase gets his hands on the nuke key then every bugger will die anyway! I just hope that his government etc make the silly sod see sense before he starts WW3.

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If that nutcase gets his hands on the nuke key then every bugger will die anyway!


As of Jan. 20th, he will have, like it or not.


Hide and watch...


Keep bashing him and I'll add one to make it the count even then lock the thread.  This is getting off base.



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19 hours ago, Captain Coffee said:

Thinking mainly that I should seriously concentrate on the -Sailing away and retiring to a deserted atoll- bucket list item.


In my case that's more legging it before the bank catches on . . .

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