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Leg 26 // PAJN - CYXY // Through the Mountains [30 Shots]

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Well folks, here it is, Leg 26 of the tour, taking us into Canada's Yukon Territory.

I could have easily done this flight in a larger FMC equipped type, but I thought, why not fly something smaller. After all, the scenery I have for the terrain suits VFR flying, and I hadn’t taken the Bubble canopy chipmunk out ever. (Normally when I fly it, it is in the UK, and therefore I fly an ex-RAF version)

This was the most fun I have had in FS for a long long time. I simply loved the weather changes I had thought the flight, taking off in thunderstorms and landing with blue skies all around.

Can’t say there are any surprises on the flight, and all went to plan. Was quicker than I thought, as a tailwind gave me 109 knots for the majority of the flight, and I landed just over one and a half hours after leaving Juneau.

My flight route took me on a huge 'Z' through the mountains. It was flown entirely VFR with the Hand Held GPS acting as a moving map. I rarely had to refer to it, but did just after my first waypoint. The plan took me up, with Skagway Airport (PAGY) acting as my first reference point. It was then through the valley to Carcross Airport (CFA4) which marked my entry to Canada. After turning left here I would find myself over flatter lands and eventually at Whitehorse Intl (CYXY). Cruising altitude was between 3000 and 5000; although I tried to stay as low as I could without endangering myself (hence the majority of the flight was at 3000).

The aircraft is the fantastic de Havilland DHC1 Chipmunk form Rick Piper, 'borrowed' form the RCAF for the flight.

Add-ons in Use

Rick Piper's de Havilland Chipmunk (freeware)*

Flight 1 Flight Environment

Flight 1 Ground Environment

Just Flight / Pilot's FS Global

Holger Sandmann's Glacier Bay v2 (Freeware)*

Just Flight Traffic 2005

* - Both available on AVSIM, search the developers name under the relevant section.

Parked up at Juneau, with exterior checks complete, and systems almost ready for start we shut the canopy.


Not ideal weather, certainly not for the chipmunk anyway! This cockpit is COLD!


Very strange steering an aircraft with the rear wheel. Haven’t done it in a while.


After a short takeoff role the aircraft jumps up into the sky it was made for.


I just cannot get enough of this scenery! Its not got everything, but adds a wonderful atmosphere.


Climbing away form Juneau.


The co-pilot behind me has his camera too, and is forever taking photos.


Its hard enough climbing through this sort of weather in a 777, let alone this little thing!


Check out that Glacier. You could spend hours exploring this scenery.


This shot is just resized, and one of my personal favourites


It’s oh so easy to make a wrong turn and go down the wrong valley. Partially because you get drawn in!


It’s the little things that make the scenery. This island has its own helipad, probably the only means of reaching it!


Making slight changes to course to compensate for weather.


Another Glacier sits in the distance.


Central to this image, a cruise ship can be seen. This is AI, and is actually cruising along the valley.


Our first waypoint reached, Skagway Airport, PAGY.


Check out those High res textures. You can make out people!


We were planning to stop off at PAGY for a cuppa, but we were making so much progress that we were ahead of their delivery of PG Tips from the UK.


After climbing up to 4000 to avoid the mountains things stated flattening out. Notice the train in this shot!


He is still working on film...the Canon EOS 500N is a great camera you know.


Second waypoint reached, CFA4 can be seen just above the right wingtip.


Slowing and descending for landing. Not that we need to go down far, the ground is close.


We enter right traffic for 13R, the longer of Whitehorse's runways.


Turning onto finals, flaps being lowered.


Quite a crosswind today, but no worry, this aircraft doesn’t even notice them.


*squeak* Windsock in the background shows any other pilots the wind we just encountered.


No reverse thrust, no spoilers, just breaks that we use very attentively


Its warmer and its not raining. We can open the canopy and let that smelly air out (someone had been eating beans...)


Parked up and shutting down. Although it’s warmer, they haven’t got our April weather.


The De Havilland DHC1 Chipmunk, Cold, Cold and Dark.


The Baton is now in CYXY Whitehorse, and I hand it over to Dgor to take it on to Calgary. I’m going to return through the valley to catch an Alaska airlines flight to Seattle.

I hope you enjoyed these shots as much as I enjoyed the opportunity to take them

Peace and Love

Fred 'mulletman' Clark.

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Cheers Fred,

I will have to wait until tomorrow to fly the leg, it is mum's birthday today :mrhappy: . It will give your shots a chance to be seen by everyone anyway. Sounds like an excellent route!


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Post edited to include shots. (You can see that, but i need to postso that it points ut that this thread has a new message)

We should have flown it together in multi-player Chippes :mrhappy:

Poop! Didnt think of that! Thats said, i have had an idea in regards to an online leg, but will PM you about it when i get the chance.

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Fred, that was an awesome post, I bet you didn't see me waving goodbye at Juneau, I used both fingers this time :rofl

It is so unusual to see you in an aircraft to have to fly by the seat of your pants! I'm glad you enjoyed it, GA and MIL flying is my fav as you know and it was fun to see you struggling with the controls.

Great scenery, great shots and great commentary :mrhappy:

Well done for getting the baton to the Yukon, you did a great job..


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Great stuff as usual Fred. Love the Chipmunk - where's it from?

I'll fly my leg as soon as is humanly possible (probably tomorrow). Still undecided on an aircraft, but I feel it's time the MH bird made a return... :mrhappy:


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Thanks everyone for the positive comments. It’s the feedback that drives me to post them. So they mean a lot :dance:

Great stuff as usual Fred. Love the Chipmunk - where's it from?
Add-ons in Use

Rick Piper's de Havilland Chipmunk (freeware)*

* - Both available on AVSIM, search the developers name under the relevant section.


Thanks Mutley for posting a more direct link though. Trust me, everyone should download this aircraft, its great fun to fly, and dead easy too!

It is so unusual to see you in an aircraft to have to fly by the seat of your pants! I'm glad you enjoyed it, GA and MIL flying is my fav as you know and it was fun to see you struggling with the controls.

I had no problem with the controls actually, you must have missed it but I was a little distracted by a young lady, who, after breaking through the (frankly weak) security at Juneau went to the side of the runway and flashed me.

I hit the shutter button, but didn’t put her in the shots; this isn’t the right forum section. :wink:

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I enjoyed that a lot, though maybe not as much as you. Thanks for a great trip.


I understand they will be beefing up the security at Juneau soon, as they're worried about a terrorist attack against the

high-value dogsled factory and the nearby blubber works.


As for the young lady flashing you, they don't mess with people up there who are hardy enough to disrobe in that weather, however briefly. Besides which, most everyone goes armed.


After the famous Ididerod dogsled race was won by a woman two years running, there was a T-shirt making the rounds which said, "Alaska - home of beautiful dogs and fast women!"



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