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Helos (need your advice)

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I'm falling in love with those pretty unstable birds :wow:

I recently purchased an AS560 Panther from Abacus, but I don't think it is quite the best, even if I'm really enjoying it, and becoming a master of hovering!!!! :rofl

Could you please tell me the name of a good payware addon?

Thanks in advance!

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R44 is a great choice for a civilian aircraft. if you want military just go straight to AlphaSim :wow:

The other Helo sim I really enjoyed was the Aerosoft - SeaHawk & JayHawk, comes with aircraft carriers and missions, excellent!

http://www.aerosoft.com/cgi-local/re/ib ... 50,10289_1

Shots from a couple of years ago








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Wow, great model indeed! :wub

Well, i've now taken the R44 and after a couple of takeoffs and landings I'm feeling good with that. It's a very nice bird, and I will use it for my New Caledonia Helo tour. :wow:

Will post some shots!

Thanks guys, much appreciated.


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Hmm, a bit late to this discussion, but I have a large number of pay- and freeware helicopters. If you need any more advice or want to know what's good and what is lacking, let me know and I'd be happy to make a list etc.

To me, Nemeth Designs are the best chopper builders for FSX (don't have Dodosim), but Alphasim have also done some that are very good price/performance-wise.

That Seahawk/Jayhawk package from Aerosoft that Joe mentioned is what started me off with them.


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I have met the guys from DodoSim a couple of times now and as Dai will attest, their 206 is a ground breaker. A lot of the flight dynamics FSX cannot handle on its own such as independent tail rotor control so it is programmed outside the sim and fed in.

We have an in-depth review quite close to completion so I will post a link here as well as in our announcement forum, I reckon you'd love it JD :thum:



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R44 is a great choice for a civilian aircraft. if you want military just go straight to AlphaSim :winka:

The other Helo sim I really enjoyed was the Aerosoft - SeaHawk & JayHawk, comes with aircraft carriers and missions, excellent!

http://www.aerosoft.com/cgi-local/re/ib ... 50,10289_1


Hi Mut, this package looks great!

What is the best carrier people know about for FSX?

I'm looking at the superhornet and gotta have a carrier for that! What's that one Mut that I remember you saying you could move to any location in a screenshot post ages ago?


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