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Bell 407, first try

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So I decided to pick up this Bell 407 from Dreamfoil for XP...not really had any success with Helis previously, however this went well apart from the landing...I guess there must be a technique for that...anyway just a few shots from my first couple of flights....

the 407....


other side...


looking out...


evening approaching...


following the MM4 into Wales


just coming to Cardiff....


chasing that sun...


ok lets go find a place to land...


parked at St Athen


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Landings are awkward. You really need full access to all the control axes which you can't get without the proper heli controllers.


Love the shots though, helis are great for exploring the intricacies of the scenery.





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however this went well apart from the landing...I guess there must be a technique for that.



Such an understated bit of comedy writing right there...


Indeed, the technique is basically crash about eleventy dozen or so times until you achieve a kind of Zenlike Oneness with the Center of the Axis. :)


Alternate technique until zenity is reached...skid it in...if you are managing forward motion control ok, then land it at a very sedate 30kts or less on the skids using the runway as normal...and practice that slower and slooower and sloooooowwwweeeerrrr...eventually you will manage to hit the 0kt stall speed without stalling. :D

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cheers guys.....thanks for the landing tip Matt, first one as shown below went well...did a circuit and all ended in tears...felt really good though I have a massive smile flying this but it seems I need track-ir more for this than most planes.....lovin it.......

over innsbruck


keep an eye on where we came from....


cant see any lost punters on the hill/mountain....


around and down...its working out what controls make the helo do what....


snails pace, gently does it.....


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