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Airport Diagram Production Temporarily Suspended

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What a nightmare.  Lucky all your finished diagrams are available on Mutleys!  I hope you didn't loose any data that helps you make the diagrams.


Strangely I too have had a PC disaster this last week gone.  I had to reinstall Win 10 after my PC stopped displaying the login box. Fortunately I didn't loose much, but irritatingly  lost a spreadsheet that was a register of all my online software purchases and one that was a set of tasting notes of various coffees I have drunk over a couple of years. 

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The new PC will be here on Wednesday.  I've removed the old 2TB HDD and connected it to an old H-P laptop (still running Vista) with a breakout box and it appears that the drive and all it contains is OK, so nothing lost that I can tell.  I also have a good backup from a few months ago, so don't feel as if anything is going to be lost except time and money.


Connecting a 2TB drive to a laptop through a USB 2.0 port - the only kind available - redefines the meaning of "slow" but at least confirmed that the drive is OK and something else killed the PC.  It's kind of a good news - bad news scenario.


The new PC is an Acer Predator with good numbers.  Like it or not, I'll become a Win 10 user.



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So sorry to hear about your crash, JA.


I feel your pain, having had to do one serious reload and another minor one. On the serious one, I documented every step of the reload so that I would have a guideline if (yeah, yeah, - when) I ever needed to do it again. Fingers crossed, appropriate gods appeased!


The one thing I haven't had to do is make the switch to Win10. My new(ish) laptop has both O/S's installed in the hope that I might begin to study the workings of Win10. That isn't happening. My little brain has dug in its heels and pointedly ignores the reminder on every boot up to Win7.


Keep the shiny side "up".

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Hard luck there John, we all been there at some stage, hope it all gets sorted ok....Win 10 on everything in my house now...got to say this new build with a clean install of win 10 seems to be much better than the 'free' upgrade that crashed and died on me last year...

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I was resolved to avoid a do-it-yourself, downloaded installation of Win 10 on an old machine already cofigured with an older OS.  I always said I'd go with a factory-installed version of Win 10 on a virgin machine and the day has come, like it or not.  Given my druthers many years ago, I'd have stayed with XP forever, but if I had done that I'd have missed out on the superb, rock solid Win 7.  Now it's time to move on again.  There's really no reason to stay on an island of antiquity - the supposedly newer and better in the world of software usually is, after a few updates and revisions to swat the more obvious bugs.


I take perverse pleasure in having avoided Windows ME, Vista (except on the laptop) and Win 8, all allegedly stinkers which I chalk up to MS intermediate efforts to get the next one right.



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A fresh, up-to-date Windows 10 install is the way to go. Vista and Win 8 were both a joke to the pros, with Win 10 being the way forward. My employer, who is starting a roll out Win 10 on an over 800+ Win 7 PC network has assured me to develop my Win 10 network.

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Been using W10 for a few months now, on a new Laptop.  It is a nice OS, though I do cheat a bit, using the Classic Windows Shell.

Only gripe is the Auto Update system, where Graphic Card Drivers get updated without a by your leave.  As we all know GPU Drivers are not all equal. 

Fortunately I have a retail copy of W7, which I am sticking with for the Sim Rig.

But yes, on the whole the new OS is good.  The next major update is supposed to be released on the 11th of this month, in certain areas.  Perhaps get a pleasant surprise, where drivers are concerned.

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6 hours ago, mutley said:


So my brand new machine will be obsolete and require a major OS update an hour and a half after I plug it in?  Just peachy!



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