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Flight stories, flight #3

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An early flight. I love flying in dawn or dusk.

Again the flight planning lingo. I've now marked points on the map to follow canyons to the various destinations.

Again, first via skyvector, then into plan-G.



So off to the first point, SCAS and a mandatory T&G there. For this first bit I went high over the terrain, dropping low again into a canyon to start my approach. The sunrise was so nice to watch on this initial leg.



Approaching SCAS I entered a left hand approach, with the field obscured behind a hill for the better part of downwind. After that a normal approach over sloping terrain, screeching the tires just before halfway of the runway before roaring off again.



Now off to PAR VOR. Following the canyons and staying very low to avoid the winds. Roaring through canyons in a high powered aicraft like the Mustang is so much fun. I have to watch my speed on this fun though :D. After following the initial canyon I came out in the open and was able to do a visual on the VOR station before turning right again.



So I dove back into a slowly narrowing canyon towards SCPH, which I spotted on the end of it's northerly course. After that the ground rose and the water made way to trees.



The next bit to SCAP sent me twirling and twisting amongst hills. I could easily fly over them, but judging I was too fast on this fun ride I'd best stay low and enjoy it. All the maneuvering would help slow me down a bit too. SCAP wasn't far off. From the air it seemed a bit like Lukla, only without the altitude and the dropoff in front of it. A massive wall was behind the strip though, so happy we didn't have to T&G here.



On to SCFT for a T&G. I noticed on my plan-g that I made an error in judgement, seeing that SCFT lay in a narrow canyon with mountainsides all around. My chosen approach from the west seemed dangerous as such. So I chose another way around and an approach from the east. Entering the canyon with the field I slowed down, 30 flaps and gear down, inching along the walls and straining to get the field in sight. After a couple of twists I turned out to be almost on final, and made a perfect landing ... and off again!



After this T&G off to the final destination of this flight. I went high again after my little detour, climbing out towards the north. I descended again over the water leading to SCLD. As I approached I found SCLD was obscured on the south side by an elongated hill. Naturally, this hill lay straight in the middle of the approach path. I set up for a left hander but couldn't get her down low enough overflying the base of the hill. Coming in too high, I waved off and went around, figuring I'd take a patch around the hill instead now.



This worked out better, making for a lower approach and just a quick turn and slip onto final for a nice landing. As I taxied onto the grass and shut her down, the Packard Merlin coughing and clicking to a halt, I was happy about this flight. A very nice ride and, although quick, that last go-around had made my time a bit higher and just shy of my target time. Great stuff!



All pics in http://fs-snaps.com/album/tWq6, collages made with photocollage.net.




Edited by Tobus[NL]
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