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Leg 15 Naples (LIRN) - Kosice (LZKZ)

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I went for a lunch in Mergellina (a place in Naples, quite on the sea) with my wife Graziella and my son Andrea, waiting for the time to reach Capodichino airport.

That's a shot of my family, just before departure :thum: :


The phone rings, we have to go. Call a taxi and go to the airport.

But I have to take something before... uhmmm... what was that? Mumble mumble.... AAAH! THE BATON!!!!!

Gennaro, the airport barman, has it. Ok, but I decide to take something more at the bar, a sweet nice baba cake! :eyebrow:


And, for the boring cruising times... PIZZA! :tattle:


Ok, baba, pizza, baton... we have everything we need. Let's go. Here we are with our E170 Alitalia Express on gate 43, performing the checklists:


I'll try to give technical details of our flight.

APU is on, CDU is programmed, everything is ok. We can close the doors and startup the engines.


Engine 2 is started:


We are set to go. Ground gives us clearance to taxi to holding point 'G' runway 24 via 'TS' taxiway:


At holding point. We are cleared to perform the Initial Climb Procedure, MOLUX6A standard departure. As you can see, we have the route set on the CDU, but we will follow the climb until Sorrento (6.000 ft or above) using heading, NAV and vertical speed, so we have tuned the necessary frequencies on the PFD (SOR VOR and NDB). Also note that there is an hill in the direction of runway 24 (hey, I live there!) so the initial climb is pretty difficult, and we will have to keep at least 1.800 ft/mn during climb, turning left first on heading 222

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Hi Rosario, another excellent post :clap:

It's Very nice to meet your family, I can see Andrea will be a budding pilot! I hope they did not miss you too much.

I enjoyed the detail and the top quality of these pictures and really like the Embraer you make it look good :thum

I liked the in-flight catering and wow that baba cake looks yummy!

Thanks for keeping the baton safe and hope you get home to Graziella safely :wub


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That was excellent, mio amico - certainly the best flight/technical-commentary combination I've had the pleasure of viewing for a real long time! :clap:

Thanks for sharing, Rosario - fantastico! :thum:

Salute - Dai. :wow:

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A pleasure to read Rosario. Flight, commentary and fine shots all spot on. My wife, Sarah has always wanted to visit Italy so maybe one day i'll get to try some "baba" cake. Great shot of your family too.

Take care...


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Thanks everybody for the fine comments.

I posted my family photo because here at mutley's there is a nice friendly atmosphere indeed, and always seems to be at home. So thanks Joe and everybody makes this real.

Ah, and prepare for the next family shot, because another baby is going to arrive. :thumbup:

Steve, if you will ever come to Naples, I'll be glad to point you to the right places to visit.

Ciao a tutti!

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Beautiful aircaraft; beautiful scenery; beautiful shots all round just a fantastic post Rosario, thank you for the detailed commentary you put inot this post, really enjoyed that (I learnt a thing or two).

And the family, Beauuuuuuutiful, thanks for posting that shot of your family. I gald you feel the same way about this hangar as I do, really the greatest bunch of FS'ers that hang out at Mutleys, and the boss, his the greatest. :thumbup:

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