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Madras to Boise, Meds again: Pharmsuit-47

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Continuing from Madras, Oregon the last time I flew the P-47, I coincidentally find another Medicines Job from Madras, OR-S33 to Boise, ID-KBOI...which lets me overfly the path of the 2017 Total eclipse over Oregon pretty directly, then jog south to Boise once I hit the Idaho border.


This is a screen grab of a bunch of tentative sites Starred that I may or may not ride to to see the eclipse, and roughly my Air Hauler route for this leg.



Leaving Madras...The Medicine Cargo/Antibiotics are in the Belly Tank.



This is the sort country I will be heading for on my motorcycle to camp and see an astronomical natural wonder...can't wait.


Unity Reservoir in Eastern Oregon, about as far as I hope I have to ride...and a pretty good looking destination. If it is Camper Packed/Oppressively busy, there is the smaller Lake Phillips north of here outside of totality that I may be able to sneak into, and get back from despite traffic thanks to being on Two Wheels.


Crossing the fairly obvious border between Oregon and Idaho...can you spot it?


On sweeping final into KBOI...straight in is too opticlaustrophobic in this big nosed cowl flapped view challenged lovely thing.


Yeah, there is that forward view...


It seems I have a flat tire somehow, and my steering is being affected by it, but I haven't found out how to change a tire in this bird, "Do Overhaul" didn't fix it using its very minimal Maintenance window...something to poke around with I guess.


Next leg...I'm craving to careen trough some of the canyons I passed over this trip. I'll have to fly Outside of Airhauler though as it gets very bitchy if you exceed a preset bank angle...I plan to barrel roll and slalom...that won't work. :D

Edited by Captain Coffee
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Fantastic shots there Matt. The P-47 looks like a nice bird to fly, even if it is opticlaustrophobic (love that one) :D


Yep, 2 wheels are preferable when going to a big gig like the eclipse.. Husband and i often opt for the Blackbird when we have to go somewhere busy like an airshow or concert. Free parking too :P

Edited by hlminx
Shitty spelling lol
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Thanks for the comments folks.

@wain tire not sorted yet...the aircraft cfg contact points look kosher...still poking at it.

@rosariomanzo sometime the sim is clean and fast, sometimes the blur is racing along with me or faster. Out in the woods it definitely does better staying sharp. Around some of the bigger ORBx areas I occasionally have to duck down in the VC and hope I make it in before the VAS runs out...I'm playing with mixed box of bytes.

@mutley I think I'll take GoogleMaps :P "FSX not suitable for real world navigation..." or something like that. :D

Edited by Captain Coffee
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Nicely done Matt,:thum: enjoy the two wheeled version of the trip too.:)


I wouldn't mess about in any A2A aircraft's .CFG files, most if not all of the paramiters are set at a default setting to work with the code that sits within the model and out. Any changes can effect the way Accu-sim works.

If a sim restart and aircraft reposition doesn't fix it a would suggest posting the issue in their P-47 Tech forum.

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