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Leg 27 (YXY-YYC) Part C: Grand Prairie - Edmonton City Ctr

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Part C of my journey through Canada in the King Air takes us on the penultimate flight, from Grand Prairie to Edmonton's City Centre airport. Remember to check out the rest of the journey (parts A-D) or these won't really make sense :shock: . Enjoy!

Forgot the taxi and lineup shots, so here we are lifting off into the crisp Canadian air.


Low over a very remote community, we turn towards 5F VOR.


Climbing up to 15,000ft for this leg, as we pass over some mountains that I want to avoid getting too friendly with.


In the cruise. This is the last we'll see of the good weather and my VFR flightplan on this flight.


Bad weather closes in as we descend. CYXD has gone IFR-only, as has our alternate (can't remember what it was called, this is unfamiliar territory!) so to my dismay I have to call Edmonton Approach and file an IFR plan for the approach.


It's raining too. Another bank holiday washout :dance:


ATC are vectoring me around for an ILS approach to runway 34. The bad weather seems only to be in the Edmonton area, just my luck :wink:


Another nice river, so I took a shot. I love this VC too, especially with the analogue gauges for some reason.


I love how I can get a wingview by looking out the cockpit windscreen in this plane :wink:


Don't ask me what that airport's called, because I don't remember it either. On the ILS now, waiting to intercept the glideslope.


I hand-flew it, and another bumpy landing followed. Engaging the reversers and slowing this beast down.


Taxiing in. At least it's stopped raining.


Parked up at a GA stand. This turnaround will be longer than I would have liked while we wait for the weather to clear up a bit.


Right, our final leg is next. Total time for that flight was 56mins, and a 30-minute wait for the weather. Check out Part D for the last leg :-)


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More excellent shots Dave,

Got to agree with you about the cockpit, I prefer the steam cockpit to the glass cockpit too. (Must be my age!)


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