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ORBX with P3D v4.1 and FSX

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With some Christmas money I am thinking of getting P3D v4.1.


I would install ot on a partition called "E".  My current FSX is installed on a pertition called "D", and I have another disk for the OS etc called "C".  Standard stuff.


Currently I have an install of FTX Central on the "C" drive which manages all my FSX Orbx scenary, so I guess that points to the D Drive FSX install.


Is it possible to have a second FTX Central install to manage ORBX installed scenary in P3D?    


My plan is to use FSX for all the work-day FS use and to build P3D for just one aircraft initialy.

Edited by J G
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FTX Central will manage both. It asks you on startup whether you want to manage P3D scenery or FSX scenery in that session. Then it tracks separately your installed P3D and FSX stuff, attached you your account.

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6 hours ago, mutley said:

I think it detects which sims you have installed and you select from a list as part of the opening process.


Both Tim_A and Mutley have it right.


I have FSX, P3Dv3 and the newest P3Dv4.1 on my platform. I no longer use the P3Dv3 - not much point when I have the 64bit replacement. I never added any third party stuff to the v3 as I was still evaluating it when v4 came along. I have a lot of aircraft for FSX, including a lot with my special QuikAire (AH and AH2) liveries, so I'll be keeping that one for a while.


ORBX has a new FTX Central (FTX Central 3). It identified the three different sims and offered downloads to match my licenses. I did not download any of the v3 scenery as i want to keep one reference that uses only the stock scenery.



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