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I am tempted by the dark side......

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I have been seeing more and more of X-Plane 11 and I have to say it looks very pretty. My understanding is that it is very stable as well.

Although not big on military, I seems to cover off almost all of my favourite aircraft: Chipmunk, Hawk, Tornado, F35B and Spitfire. If someone could point me at a Tiger Moth,  a Phantom and some sort of RAF in flight refuelling aircraft then that is all I need.

I guess I can run it on the same PC as P-3D so there seems to be nothing stopping me except one thing. How easy is it to do a repaint for any given aircraft?


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John, take a look at this site and select warbirds.


Painting is just the same as FSX/P3D with just a different arrangement or name of files.

Warning though.  Once you turn, it will be hard going back to that life that you were used to.  Just a new learning curve and you will be fine.

Also the free stuff available for XP will blow your mind apart...


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It looks like I will be getting X-Plane 11 from Santa.

I have so many question about it …..

What is the backward compatibility like? will X-Plane 10 stuff work with X-Plane 11? what about earlier versions?

The scenery looks good, but where are its weak points?  I was looking at some videos of sea planes.  The water looked good but there seemed to be little or no wake when the aircraft moved through the water. Also no smoke puff from wheels on landing.

I think I have located seven aircraft I might want.  These are:

  • X-Trident Tornado
  • AOA Simulations F35B
  • Carenado's B200 King Air HD
  • BFDG Tucano
  • Virtavia Sea king - Is this better than the Virtavia FSX offerings?
  • Khamsin Chipmunk
  • Just Flight Hawk

How good are these aircraft? Any pointers or advice on what to get and what to avoid would be welcome.

All I need to find is:

  • A Tigermoth
  • A Phantom F4
  • An RAF in air refuelling aircraft (Tristar etc.) 
  • A Chinook
  • A Spitfire

Any help locating the above would be good!


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2 hours ago, J G said:

It looks like I will be getting X-Plane 11 from Santa.

I have so many question about it …..

All I need to find is:

  • A Tigermoth
  • A Phantom F4
  • An RAF in air refuelling aircraft (Tristar etc.) 
  • A Chinook
  • A Spitfire

Any help locating the above would be good!


Phantom F4 is included in the package:

Warbirds available:


Any more questions feel free 2 ask..  James

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Thanks James.

Is there any chance you can do some screenshots of the following?

  • Farnborough Airport
  • RAF Valley
  • RAF Lossiemouth
  • RAF Coningsby

These are the airports I use most and so I am interested in the detail for them.



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2 hours ago, J G said:

Thanks James.

Is there any chance you can do some screenshots of the following?

  • Farnborough Airport
  • RAF Valley
  • RAF Lossiemouth
  • RAF Coningsby

These are the airports I use most and so I am interested in the detail for them.



Coningsby is a free download see link and check out the photos


Free download again for Valley




You will find a massive amount of freeware in x plane at x-plane.org




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I am becoming more and more interested in X-Plane 11. Thanks James for the above, that's another nudge towards the dark side.

I have just seen a video of how to repaint an aircraft in X-plane. It seems to be just as easy as it is in P3D. another plus, as is the use of weapons.

I guess the next step is to buy it and get it loaded up.

Yet another question.... I have a genuine Panavia Tornado undercarriage leave that I have rigged up using some software that allows the integration of an Arduino card with P3D such that it works with the gear. Does anyone know if this can be done with X-Plane?  

EDIT It seems that I can use Mobiflight with XPUIPC so it all seems to be possible. 

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Can I ask readers of this thread to post their favourite V-Plane aircraft and perhaps any to avoid?

Having had a look around the addons that are available it seems that there is a lot of free stuff and it seems to be of mixed quality.

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John I don't really fly military but I would say really look into any payware and check reviews and ask users on here, there is some great stuff both free and payware however I have still managed to buy a few poor ones. I test a lot for JF and their stuff is always very good but they are new to the XP format but Dan Klue who helps them does really know his stuff....Carenado you know what you get....an obvious airline in Zibo(free) and most stuff from Flight Factor, I also like SSG 748....over at Xaviation they have a couple of exclusives that are really good, IXEG classic 737 and a TBM 900 which really IS great.......I only use tubes and a few GA so I guess someone else needs to chip in Re; military....

I fpund initially it's hard work learning the new ways of doing stuff and getting XP running how you want it but I reckon it is well worth it just for those dusky flights.....

Best of luck....

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Christmas over and just new years eve to go. House to sort out now everyone  has gone, and then perhaps I will have some time to myself. 

A new 1 Tb ssd to install and X-plane, JF Hawk and Trident Tornado purchased and waiting to install to it.

I have been looking at some P3D v X-Plane videos and I am getting quite excited about useing X-Plane. There seems to be a lot more realism and bells and whistles to X-Plane for a military aircraft users even if the choice of add-ons is far more limited than P3D.

The other down side with X-Plane is the amount of money I have invested in P3D. It runs to thousands of pounds. Having said that, although I have dozens of P3D add-ons, I tend to use only a handfull of them all of which I can get in X-Plane. As I can run both side by side, let's see which I use more. 

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Not forgotten Boss (as if I would - I enjoy it so much!).  I hope to do it in X-Plane as I have a cunning plan to use some of X-Plane's features to my advantage.  I hope it will be worth waiting for, but it does mean me getting X-Plane up and working.  If I find that too time consuming then I will P3D it and aim to X-Plane the next leg. 

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JG I run both side by side, XP on one drive and P3D on another, both in my eyes have great positive points...flight sim at the moment is a great thriving hobby to be involved in as there is so much choice out there....I have loads for P3D but I never look at the money I have spent, you would have spent it on something else if not flight sim stuff and whatever that was you may have grown bored with it, as long as you still have them installed you can use them...currently using P3D a lot as I am loving using QW787, but soon I may miss the FF320 and go back to XP for a while, I also have Air Hauler working for XP and P3D so always a reason for me to fly.....

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SSD up and running, X-Plane basic install done.

Thoughts so far.......

  • It's just as good as a basic install of P3D v4 in terms of looks. Better perhaps, different certainly. 
  • Configuring joysticks etc. is very easy with a very clear GUI to do it with.
  • With all the bells and whistles set to max the fight depiction is very smooth indeed. FPS I can't comment on as I haven't found out how display it yet.
  • Aircraft configuration is more comprehensive than P3D as it copes with weight ect. but also includes things like weapons load for warbirds. (A big plus for me with my violent tendencies)
  • It's big. It takes hours to install. And that's just a basic install. 

So far it is looking good. It will take me a while to get further into it, but the real crunch will come when I run it with ORBX scenery and a proper add-on like JF's hawk.

My gut feel is that it will entice me away from the Microsoft based product. But this might be because of its built in support for a proper military load out and simulated weapons use.

Time will tell, and so will this thread.

Happy New year one and all!

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Size matters.

My original plan for X-Plane has had to be revised. I had 1/2 TB of drive space allocated for X-Plane from a new 1 TB SSD. For X-Plane this should have been enough, but I haddent expected ORBX True Earth South and Central Britian being so big. By the time I has installed just these three things I was up to 1/4 TB. That's half of my allocation with just two ORBX True Earth products on board.

I have repartitioned my 1 TB drive so instead of two 1/2 TB partitions I have one 1 TB partition as I want to be ready for other True Earth products especially Britain North when it comes.

So if you are thinking of addiing ORBX True Earth products to your X-Plane install, then you will need a lot of space!

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Once you have XP running, click the settings on top righthand side, once opened click data output, find the one that does fps in cockpit, click that. you should now have a box top left of screen...

I use 1tb hard drive, only SSD I have is for windows system....

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I no longer know which is the dark side.

I am beginning to think it was Microsoft. I have taken a Cessna for a spin around Orbx true earth Southern England an am beginning to wish I hadn't even looked at P3D. The detail is fantastic.  I can even see my own house.

Time to add a few aircraft and see where we go from there.

Thanks Wain. I am having trouble with getting my head around the stuff available in X-Plane.  There is so much of it!!!!  50 frames per second with everything maxed out is good enough for me.


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I have playing with X-Plane for some time now, adding bits and pieces new aircraft, new liveries, various utilities and bits of scenery etc..

My experience with FSX and, and to a lesser extent P3D, is that this kind of thing is asking for trouble, and almost always results in a crash or two.  I cant count the times P3D has crashed on me, and FSX was a steady as jelly (jello).

X-Plane has yet to crash on me. I know this is tempting fate but it is as steady as a rock...… I am drifting further over to the dark side. :pilotic:

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I was in a similar position as you, being tempted to go into XP11 but it was always lacking a lot for me that P3D had - so for me good scenery and a weather programme that you can select your own weather. This has been resolved for me using Active Sky XP and also the new ORBX True Earth scenery.

I would recommend the following addons for XP if you don't already have them - it adds so much more immersion and as you say, I get better performance in XP with better visuals than P3D imo...

  • Orbx True Earth
  • Active Sky XP
  • XPRealistic Pro
  • Ultra Weather XP /xVision

Also, if you like flying the jetliners - hit the FREE Zibo mod for the default 737 - this is a fantastic mod that is free. 

I also have the Just Flight 152 for low and slow and the Carenado Grand Caravan for something a bit faster. 

Glad you're enjoying XP, I look forward to seeing your videos mate.

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I have already spent a lot on XP 11 now but I have to say that it has been worth while.

Thanks for al the help guys I have picked up some good pointers.

One interesting thing I found out today is that ORBX give a 40% discount on XP purchases if you have the FSX/P3D version of one of their products. Very generous and good for me as I love their stuff.

UKJim, I have the ORBX true earth products and Active Sky XP and Ultra Weather XP are on my shopping list along with the Trident Harrier and the AOA F35B.

It seems that installing "extras" such as liveries and utilities is so simple in XP so I have been adding all sorts of stuff.

I would love to make some movies but I am not sure how to add them to posts. Something to look into. 

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