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I sat down in front of the computer screen for 4 hours today and I just couldn't leave it, something I would never, ever do, but why?

Because I was watching the Virtual Air Tatto. It should have been Fairford this weekend but obviously, that's not happening.

Instead the organizers have put together 2 x 4 hour programs, visiting, the pilots, their aircraft, their bases and loads of other stuff including bits of last years show.

It's really laid back, albeit that it's led by and RAF Group Captain, ex Phantom and Tornado pilot. I'm sure a lot here would love it, if you don't get this in time for part 2 on Sunday 11:00 - 3:00 UK time, I'm sure you'll be able to look back.

There's even a virtual red arrows display performed by 9 pc pilots in different places around Europe and they're amazing!

Just search virtual tattoo

Best..... Phil

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