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Shoreham trial flight

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Today saw me having a trial lesson with Sussex Flying Club at Shoreham airfield. As flying is a tad to expensive for me at the moment ill stick to having flights every now and then till I can fund the full PPL course without worry. When I say fund I really mean when im in my 20s/30s and have a job :wow:

Anyhooo back to the flight. G-BYTY was the craft in use for me today and after some attacks from the resident seagulls, I managed to grab a few snaps in the picnic area :good:

Yankee tango parked up


The lads refeulling


Seems the seagull gets everywhere :gaah:


An RAF islander hops off


Taxi to runway. They were brave enough to let me taxi it out to the runway and back to parking. Heres us doing full power test.


Control check


Sorry for the poor video quality and filming. I was on my digi cam and was on traffic look out :yess:


A shot shortly after taking off


Lancing college


After being handed control and told to climb to 2,500ft and fly a constant heading, the instructor wanted a go with the camera :blush:



Over Worthing


Making sure were nice and level. Remember no HSI in VFR


That white tent area down there is Butlins. We done a few 360 turns over here.


Some golf course


We were then entered in what seemed like Heathrow traffic pattern. We wernt able to get a word in edge ways on the radio due to so much traffic. We were told to hold west of the field and they would call us back in 10 minutes. This meant more flying for me and somewhat extended my session time from 45 minutes to 60 :yikes:

We finnaly got told to join the circuit around 8 or so minutes from out R/T

On our way back now. Brighton in the distance


On the overhead



On base


On final


Once again im sorry for the video quality :whis:


The brave lad even let me taxi back to parking




Thanks for looking!

Shoreham is a great airfield and certainly one I wouldnt mind doing a spot of filming at!

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You lucky bugger!

I love Shoreham, I worked there for a short while and have flown in (not as pilot) a couple of times in a Navajo.

Nice weather today but a bit gusty down in Bournemouth where I was.

Thanks for sharing Gareth, I really enjoyed this post :smile:

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