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The Caribbean - USA WW2 + Present-day Iconic Airfields (MSFS)

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Following MSFS's recent World Update of The Caribbean, plus additional water-masking, now is a good time to visit The Caribbean in MSFS. So come learn about the little-known importance of The Caribbean in WW2 & visit some of the American WW2 airfields there. We'll also take the opportunity to visit 3 present-day iconic airfields. Hope you enjoy. Cheers.


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Thanks Frank, enjoyed seeing those island airstrips.

A couple of those small ones, like Saba, are white knucklers in some planes. Now I noticed you did a couple of bounce and goes in that old Placid Plodder, have done my share in them and I'm pretty sure others have also, although it's like having a baby I've been told, over time you tend to forget about the pain of having one. :P

So, what do you think of the work MSFS have done around the islands?

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