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New member of the team and a new feature!

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I am extremely pleased to announce the latest crew member John Allard :wink:

I have been working closely with John over the past couple of weeks on a new project for the website.

John has written a 5 part novel loosely based on his experiences with Cargo Pilot and we will be releasing one chapter a week. The story is also available in pdf download as well. If you like a ripping yarn full of aviation related content then this is for you!

Before I start publicising I would like to give you, the members of Mutley's Hangar a preview of the first chapter.

If you like what you see, please pass it on to your friends and feel free to post on other forums. Also I know John is very keen for feedback of any kind. You can either mail him directly with a link on his pages of post here.

Please give John your support, he has worked really hard on this and I am hoping to persuade him write another, hopefully for some late summer or early fall reading. (John doesn't know that yet! :mrhappy: )




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Let me hasten to add that there's at least as much of Mut's creativity and effort in this little enterprise as

there is mine. All I did was crank out the raw "galley proof" of the story.

All of the graphics and all of the HTML work to package and present this are his work, plus, probably, a

half-dozen other little chores that I'm too ignorant to even realize needed doing.

I'm very much in his debt for this.


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You're a dark horse John - so that's what's been a'coming, eh? Nice start - get the hook and develop the characters - my money's on Joe.....

Look forward to the next instalment - remember, John, a certain Mr Dickens started this way! Who knows, you might have a second career starting.

Cheers - Dai. :wink:

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