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Hey fellas.

Still trying to get back into my editing as well as adjusting to using FSX shots which believe it or not i find harder to edit than FS9. Anyway a couple of shots nothing too fancy like...



Thanks for looking....


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hey reef, some time since i've seen you round here....and boy have we missed you, those shots are jaw dropping...

the 1st is just :biggrin: ....and the 2nd could easily be mistaken for a box art off an Airfix plastic kit! Lovely colurs and very well presented, crack on with a few more fella!!

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Hi Steve,

From these shots I wouldn't have guessed you have been away from the editing. I guess Sarah has given you the green light to do some more :biggrin: Please send her a big :thanks: from all of us!

The first one is a good start but the second shot is a great finish, love the lighting and the shadowing, pure "reef" at his best.

Thanks for the post steve, very refreshing.


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Love it :biggrin:

And I have to say, I've seen some of your work, both here and over at Screenshot world, and I just love it. Some of those things you do with those screenshots from FS9, especially with vintages, is just out of this world.


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Thanks guys, not great but happy you liked them. Bought a few more addons for FSX, just wish i had more time to fly them :nea: Will post a few more up when i get some done :smile:



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