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Hi John,

I saw this on the TV this morning and it had brought into question the users "carbon footprint". (Latest saying in UK)

A bit extreme for private transport, surely a BBJ would do? Nice to have the choice!


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A bit extreme for private transport, surely a BBJ would do? Nice to have the choice!

I have known about this concept before the A380 first flew, but only thought that it would ever become a reality as AF1’s replacement

This aircraft is very extreme for a private jet, and should not be allowed, for the exact reason you mention, carbon footprint.

Shows how much airbus is thinking with their wallets? they are all for reducing the emissions (as are all aircraft manufactures) but the minute one man comes along and says "i want a jet for my own private use" they don’t think...that’s a bit harming to the environment.

There is no reason he should have an A380, unless he equips the bottom deck with economy seats and uses it on commercial flights whilst he isn’t using it.

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One question, how is it different to an airline buying the aircraft? People are complaining that its un-necessary, however its no more un-necessary than an A380 being used by a passenger airline.

As for Airbus lining their wallets, I am sure every manufacturer would have done the same. Ethics and business rarely go together

"uses it on commercial flights whilst he isn’t using it"- I must be missing something, surely its better for the aircraft to be sat, unused, than it is for it to be burning up more fuel on passenger flights?

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One question, how is it different to an airline buying the aircraft? People are complaining that its un-necessary, however its no more un-necessary than an A380 being used by a passenger airline.

A passenger airline could in theory take 850 passengers to sydney from london. Including this bloke. (They could even do it in simalar luxury with a few less passengers....okay a lot less)

So one bloke using it for himself is unnessacary. He could just as easily use a first class seat on an international airline.

Besides, its not as if he will have the advantage of being able to fly into smaller airports, like Luton. He will have to fly into the larger airports, where the airline he could fly with, also fly.

"uses it on commercial flights whilst he isn’t using it"- I must be missing something, surely its better for the aircraft to be sat, unused, than it is for it to be burning up more fuel on passenger flights?

Thats true, but i ment making up for the flights that he takes by himself, making up for those. And also fills the bottom deck every time he is in the top.

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Ummm, I think I'm going to be in the minority here, but if he can afford it and it isn't against the law, I don't

consider this a problem. It may not be in good taste, but this isn't the first rich person to spend his cash

unwisely and in a fashion others find distasteful - and he won't be the last. I don't think a person who has

the bank account to do this is going to travel in a first class seat drinking the house Chablis with the rest of the cattle.


I think David is going to be proved right. I just know this is going to turn into a global warming discussion....

I repeat, though, it's not illegal, is it? When it is, I'm sure he will stop - or be stopped. In the meantime, some

Airbus workers get some more work and some Airbus stockholders get some more dividends and some FBOs

will sell a lot of fuel and some pilots will get plum jobs and on and on and on....



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I agree with you John, I see no issue.

A passenger airline could in theory take 850 passengers to sydney from london. Including this bloke. (They could even do it in simalar luxury with a few less passengers....okay a lot less)

So one bloke using it for himself is unnessacary. He could just as easily use a first class seat on an international airline.

Couldn't you just as easily argue that those 850 people need not travel across the world? People don't need holidays...business could be done using programs such as Skype...

The only things that are necessary are for people to eat, drink and sleep. Nothing else is a necessity but a luxury. 850 people using an A380= Luxury, 1 person and his many followers using an A380=Luxury.


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It's obviously unbelievably uneconomical for such a large aircraft to transport so few, the fuel per passenger burnt would be astronomical. Compare that to a commercial flight and per passenger you get down to the economy of a motorcar. (Almost)

Having said that, large corporate aircraft like this are never left on the tarmac, businessmen are very astute when it comes to these things, the aircraft will be no doubt’s hired out to be used by others.

The other point is that there would almost certainly be a very large entourage with this individual, no one would be stupid enough to buy an A380 for six people, I suspect the aircraft will carry for more passengers than we think. (Or one very, very fat person... like Mutley)

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It was clearly stated that he needed an aircraft such as the A380 for his large entourage.

Why would you get such a large aircraft, that heavily restricts the destinations you can fly to, unless it was necessary? Its just a typical media hype, which conveniently tied in with the presses current hot topic of climate change. Face it, anything that can be linked to climate change is. God, I am getting bored of climate change....lets move back into grass huts and be done with it

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It was clearly stated that he needed an aircraft such as the A380 for his large entourage.

If thats the case then thats fine. I just didnt like the way that everyone (the Goverment/Aircraft builders) are so up for cutting down on global warming and then let one guy have an A380 for himself.

I repeat, though, it's not illegal, is it? When it is, I'm sure he will stop - or be stopped.

No your right, its not illigal. But if the govermants want to really cut down on emmisions, then heavily taxing/billing banning completely or putting a person to emmision (or fuel use) ratio on private aircraft should be one of the things they are doing.

Im also slightly lost as to why low cost airlines, such as easyjet, get billed more for fuel tax/emmisions charges/other G.Brown Crap, that an airline like British Airways seems to get lower charges when almost all of EasyJet and Ryanair's fleet are newer and more efficient.

The only things that are necessary are for people to eat, drink and sleep. Nothing else is a necessity but a luxury. 850 people using an A380= Luxury, 1 person and his many followers using an A380=Luxury.

Luxury was a bad choise of word. Comfort. How up your own arse do you have to be to need anything more that what airlines currently offer. On one airline (emirates?) you can now fly in your own private room inside the aircraft.

Either way its going to open one hell of a job oppertunity for several pilots :mrhappy:

PS: I couldnt care less about what it does to the atmosphere. All aviaiton is good avation to me, I just dont see how it can be allowed when Goverments, Airlines and Aircraft developers are always trying to cut emmisions.

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