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Screenshots - HELP

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At the very high risk of betraying my ignorance, how do you get multiple screenshots?


The limit of my understanding is, push the PRTSCR key, then to to the graphics program and paste it from the clipboard, edit, save, etc.


I'm seeing shot after shot, obviously captured in a short time on the same flight. How about a clue how you accomplish that?

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Simply use a Screen capture program. You run the program before you fly, and each time you want a screenie you hit either Print Scrn or a preset key. Once you're out of the sim, you open the folder where those screenshots have been saved and voi la!

Some programs such as FS Screen are dead simple, it will save the file as a bitmap at the same resolution as you had when you keyed the screenshot capture command, while others give you more options, such as jpeg quality etc

Personally I use ScreenMate (patriotic, huh). It's simple and quick, and it does everything I want it to do.

Some other ones you can do a Google search on: Irfanview, FS Screen.

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http://forum.justflight.com/forum/topic ... C_ID=18048

There are a couple of links (check out FSScreen) in that thread. I do intend to update it, honest, and a new version will be posted here once I do :dance:

Oh, and please don’t be afraid to post questions you deem as stupid. We were all in that situation once! :wink:

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OK, gents, I've found and downloaded FSScreen 1.1 and it's a very nice piece of work. It's easy, works well, and as advertised, doesn't "hit" FS at all, performance wise.


Having said that, there's a line in the readme file that says...


"The file is saved in the program directory of FSScreen, but you can set another directory as working directory for FSSCREEN.EXE, then your screenshots will be in that directory."


I'd like to do that, but can't figure out how. Someone a lot smarter than me once said, "Every solution creates a new problem." Thus it is with this one.


Since you folks were so helpful in answering my initial question, perhaps you can provide a vector on this one too.


By the way, this forum gets REALLY quiet after about 2000 Z (except of course on nights when there's a lunar eclipse). Must be a time zone thing, eh?



Thanks for your help.



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Hi John,

Simply put, wherever the FSScreen.exe file is, the files will be saved in that some location.

For example, if you have a folder called "John's FS Stuff", create a new folder in there called "Screenshots". Drop the FSSreen.exe file in there, and whenever you run the program and take screens they will be saved in your very own Screenshots folder.

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Hi John,

The method I use is putting FSScreen.exe in a folder called "FS Screenshots" under My Pictures. I then have a shortcut to FSScreen on the desktop, so I can launch it from there and have the pictures saved in FS Screenshots.

Interesting Tip #143: FSScreen works in any game, and indeed outside of games. Handy of when you want to take a picture in Medal of Honour or a screenshot in Windows Movie Maker for instance :-)


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Dave and Joe,


Thanks for the responses.


If I'm getting this right, you can't just designate a destination for the bitmaps to be saved, except by having FSScreen.EXE in the desired location. The statement in the Readme.TXT led me to believe that you could somehow point to a destination. I was reading more into it than was intended, I guess.


Thanks again for the help.



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