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JF's super sale tomorrow (Monday) Spitfire half price!

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But only for 24 hours!

The latest Super Sale Monday at Just Flight gives you the chance to savour the song of a Merlin and fly a Spitfire at great price. Spitfire normally sells at £19.99 / €29.95 / $34.95, but for 24 hours this award-winning add-on for FS2004/2002/CFS3/CFS2 is now on sale at half price in boxed and download versions. But you’ll have to hurry! The offer runs from 09:00 am Monday to 09:00am Tuesday (UK time) and is available exclusively from http://www.justflight.com

I have this package and it's worth so much more than a tenner!


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I think I'm going to spring for it if the boxed version is available.

I thought this package was only avalable by box?

I have waited a long time to get this, its never been top of my want list. perhaps i might spend a little. If only for the Mk.V and Trainer models.

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Well I am not on commission :mrhappy: but the Spit could be featuring in the finale to the ATWC when ever that is and could involve a multi player fly past and this would be ideal :cool:


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Decided to give this one a miss. Much as i want it, i have enough unflown aircraft as it is.

If you chaps do decide to use it in a future leg, i will be flying the one avalable as a demo - or i will setup a variant of my Shockwave one so you guys see it OK.

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I have the Shockwave FSX version, I was a bit disappointed with the prop texture being transparent in some clouds, they said it was an FSX problem and wouldn't be fixed. So I wonder why we don't have problems with other FSX props?

I must head back to their support forum some time to see if they have changed their minds :mrhappy:


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I have the Shockwave FSX version, I was a bit disappointed with the prop texture being transparent in some clouds, they said it was an FSX problem and wouldn't be fixed. So I wonder why we don't have problems with other FSX props?

I must head back to their support forum some time to see if they have changed their minds :mrhappy:


There is an issue with prop/rotors in FSX. They clouds tend to look like they are in front of the prop/rotor. We have the same with the CBI300. Unfortunately it doesn't look like its fixable.

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There is an issue with prop/rotors in FSX. They clouds tend to look like they are in front of the prop/rotor. We have the same with the CBI300. Unfortunately it doesn't look like its fixable.

Thanks for the developers perspective Martyn, but do you know why some appear to work and some don't? or is it the cloud textures that cause the problems, it only appears to be a problem from certain angles.

.. "Just interested" :cool:

(Hey, a new JF forum section :mrhappy: )

Thanks for your response Uncle Martin, I thought I noticed stretch marks in the tee shirt that could only been created by someone with an immense stomach, should have known it was you, it certainly was not Katie or Scratchy, luckily Tesco's swapped it for a smaller one!

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Mutley: That 's KATY. Get it right boy! :mrhappy:

And the stretched fabric was as a result of my immense and thoroughly gorgeous pecs. They are hard and striated, not at all like your dangly manboobs... yuk! :sadblinky:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahem, to get back on topic...my Spitfire package has arrived intact, all the way from far-off England. I expect to be loading it up and kicking the tires this weekend.

Mut, if you should hear a Merlin overhead, stick your head out the window and wave.

Anyone have a favorite variant to recommend?


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I like the early variants John mostly the Mk VB as it has so much more power than the Mk I and II's.

Not keen on the clipped wing version IXE? it just doesn't look right to me, I just love that classic, distinctive wing shape the others have.

I will be listening out for you John. I may even see you as I am planning to take a Spit up from Southampton and look around the Isle Of Wight today.

But I will be using the Shockwave version for FSX and JF's VFR Real IOW scenery to see what it is like.


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