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Guess the Airport!

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No, honest, just a guess based on part of John's wonderful lyrics - in fact, I'm thinking of setting the words to music..... How does that tune go - Nah Nah Nah Nah Na-Nah Nah Nah, Nah etc.... :winka:

Cheers - Dai. :biggrin:

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All incorrect so far. I've mislead you with the Heracles reference, though not intentionally. You're obviously correct about it being the second labor and it's related, but it's not that straightforward. What was the labor - what was it's object? That might point you in the right direction.


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Hi, guys,

Have been away from home for a few days and not watching this closely - sorry.

You're in the wrong part of the continent. Try to think of something else that used the name of Heracles protaganist.


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Are you mokeying about, John?

Surely monkeying about Dai?

How does Gibraltar fit in? The runway must be 13/31?

John is really playing his cards close to his chest!!

My next guess was going to be the Faroe islands airport EKVG, just call me reckless!

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OK, not Gib.

I'm back home now and can post a screenshot but doubt it will help.

You guys jumped right on the 2nd labor, the killing of the Hydra. That's still the best clue; the rest is more confirmatory. If you think you have it, look at the rest of the clues and it will be very obvious from them if you are correct. For instance, as noted, runway 9/27 at Gib doesn't fit, nor does is work with the rest of the clues... north of a captial that wasn't always where it is, punished for something to do with vengeance. A scism that aligned this place to the east, but since restored.

Hydra will lead you to it, but Whitebait was intended to conceal Hydra (New Clue Alert).

The schism occurred post WWII.

Would it help if Vengeance were capitalized?


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This has to be a dead give-away, in the theme of the first posting...


What's that you say, you need some more clues?

I've made it too hard? That's terrible news.


I didn't mean to vex you or make it a pain.

Here's some more hints to help you attain


The name of that airfield hidden in verse

Let's make it more simple - there's no need to curse.


This airport you seek, it lies fairly near,

But still, not in Britain, nor Scotland nor Eire.


In the fighting that raged when your gramps were young men,

The place that you seek wasn't run by your friend.


No, it lurked to the east, in the Axis' dark lair

And the things that they had there gave Winston a scare.


Home of the Vasserfall, nest of the Natter,

Birthplace of that which flew with a clatter.


He said we must smite them or surely we'll face

A terrible vengeance from that cursed master race.


He bid them lay plans to delay and destroy

The weapons the Nazis now sought to deploy.


And so it was done, the plans were all laid

To take down that place in a terrible raid.


All the young men, as they took to their craft

Looked hard at the sky and they thought it was daft.


A bright summer's eve, the moon full and bright,

They knew they were in for a challenging night.


Too far to use Oboe, too far for the Spit,

Pathfinders in Mossies would lead them to it.


They found it; they bombed it; they set it alight,

But they couldn't quite manage to kill it that night.


Some damage was done but there was concern

That to finish the job, they'd have to return.


To face down again the fighters and flak,

Until it was done, they'd keep coming back.


They weren't defeated. It wasn't a rout,

But it has to be said, more went in than came out.


Their efforts delayed what was done at that place

It set back the schedule and slowed up the pace.


The things that were built there, tested, rehearsed,

Had to be hidden, scattered, dispersed.


That island that hugged the Baltic's cold shore

Could no longer be used as it was before,


To develop and test the V-stuff and things

That, riding on fire and short stubby wings,


Fell on the cities and killed and destroyed.

In spite of the raids, those things were employed,


But lessened and slowed, their damage and fright,

By the work of the men who flew there that night.

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Sorry it was so hard.


Did you catch the rest? The scism was East/West Germany, when Peenemumde was East Germany and the real German capital was Bonn, for a while?


Hydra was "punishment" for the "Vengeance" weapons.


Peenemunde was a lot more than just V-2 work. It was a development and test center for all sorts of very advanced and nasty things.


Anyway, I hope you had a little fun with this. I won't be waiting around for a literary career.


Joe was first in with this one, but I suspect some collaboration between the two of you.



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