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Leg 8: Port Elizabeth - Polokwane - Part II & III

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Part II - Picking up the VIPI (That's Very Important Private Investigator)

After a lunch with Al I headed back out to the tarmac only to find the rain pouring down and the thunderstorms closing in.

But plane was there waiting for me as promised, and that sight made me forget about the water dripping down my neck. Look at that paintjob. Al must have done som research on ATWC last night.


Even if the cabin did look tempting I decided to fly this beauty myself. After telling Al about the past attempts to steal the baton he had agreed to send a security guard along for ride to keep a watchful eye on the beautiful blue piece of wood(?), with it's mistery content. As the pilot and myself started to go through the checklist our guard strapped himself and the baton down in one of the leather seats in the cabin.

Left engine starting.


Leaving Kimberley in the rain.


Taking off about halfway down the runway.. much better than in Port Elisabeth.


As we climb out with a long 270 degree left turn we come back towards the airport and downtown Kimberley. The big hole I was talking about during part 1 is somewhere down there below the clouds.


With altitude came severe turbulence, this is going to be a bumpy ride.


More rain, more turbulence and thunder all around. I know you can't see it, but you'll have to take my word for it.


The baton is secure in the left rear seat of the cabin, or is it?


All of a sudden we can hear some movement from the cabin. Sounds like the turbulence has taken its toll on our guard and his stomach. Good thing there's one of these aboard


After empying his stomach into the porcelain god the guard pops his head into the cockpit to inform us that the baton still is safe back there.


Clouds everywhere around us


More movement back there.Is he being sick again? No, this time he's after something to calm his nerves.


As we push through the hard headwinds and bumpy air towards Gaborone we here a scream of fear in the cabin..

"It's gone... I've managed to lose it!!!!"


I stay at the controls while my co-pilot for the day makes his way back to the cabin to help the guard look for the baton. After a frantic few minutes they both head to the bar to strengthen themselves.. and ..


there it is!!!!

After that scary moment it's time to start heading back towards terra firma again.


Gaborone ATC did a much better job at vectoring me to approach, and an ILS at that.


Established on the localizer


Letting the autopilot do the work for now.



A hard gust of wind blew us off to the left, but we ended up on the tarmac at least.


This must have been a relief for the airsick guard.. he was at least first one out of the door


So, here we are in Gaborone waiting for Als friend.


Have you guessed who it is yet?

Who else but Mma Precious Ramotswe of the famous No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency of Gaborone, and as soon as she arrives we're off to Polokwane to hand the baton over to Rosario.

Part III can be found right below this one.

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Part III: Delivering the VIPI and Baton

During our wait the weather cleared up into a nice and sunny afternoon. Hopefully our passengers can have a calmer flight to Polokwane.

Around 3 PM a large and friendly looking woman headed our way across the tarmac.

Hello Rra, are you the one that's going to fly me to Polokwane?

I am Mma, welcome onboard. Were ready to get going straight away.

That's great. I'll try to get some sleep in the back during the flight, I brought along some Rooibos Tea too. Help yourself to some if you want to.


With introductions out of the way and Mma Ramotswe and a reluctant security guard strapped in to their seats we started our taxi to the active. The winds had shifted during our wait, so take off was made in the opposite direction of the landing.

Here we are turning towards the active with some Acacia Trees just outside the perimeter of the airport.


Climbing out after the first turn on the flight plan.


Overhead view as we proceed along our flight plan.


This is the route for today. Not sure who made this plan.. looks like a slight detour.


These messages keep popping up when using REX weather engine. Could someone tell me how to make sense of them? I'm guessing that 2626S 02813E is a position, but what

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Well done Micke :biggrin:

I was worried about the baton for a while but I can see you had it covered and delivered safely to Polokwane.

A superb combination of pictures and commentary in the true spirit of the challenge, you have set the bar high here! thumbup:

Tack sj

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...the beautiful blue piece of wood(?), with it's mistery content.

Not wood.

Great flights, beautiful shots, good commentary. Would have liked to have seen the lady. Sharon is said to be a master of disguises - could it have been her?


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Would have liked to have seen the lady. Sharon is said to be a master of disguises - could it have been her?


Who's this Sharon I keep on reading about?? She seems like a bit of a mystery girl...

As for Mma Ramotswe..

This is what she looks like in the BBC/HBO Tv-series based on the books.

Sharon in disguise or not.. I have no idea :smile:

And a big :cool: for all comments.. I'm a bit surprised, but very happy, that it was so well recieved.

Oh, and Mut.. a nice try :thum: , they are swedish words and by trying to apply online translator logic to it I think I know what you mean :smile:

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Sharon has popped in and out of the ATWC, beginning in the first one. She ran off with the co-pilot in one of Dai's flight legs crossing the Pacific in ATWC I and has made the occasional cameo appearance since. I looked at the linked site and I feel fairly confident in saying that's not her - this time.

She's even more mysterious than the baton and no one seems to understand her purpose or where her loyalties lie. Be careful if you see her and guard the baton well.


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