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Up Close & Personal @ RIAT

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Hey all,

Not the greatest of photos and quite an odd selection if I'm perfectley honest as the weather was so poor on Sunday as predicted! :sadblinky:

The rear-end of an F-16.*


The rear-ends of Tornadoes.


Macro-mode with a Cannon of an A-10.


Macro-mode with Insignia of an A-10.


Pristine condition prop aircraft.*


Royal Navy jet engine covered.


The crowd watches on in amazement.


Red Arrows + Battle of Britain Tribute.


Red Arrows in "Vulcan" formation.


Thanks for looking! :wink:

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Your mystery fighter, rear view, has all the attributes of an F-16, but also appears to have a pair of canards

that I can't account for.

Everything else seems to match the F-16, though one doesn't usually think of the business end having

such a gaping hole.


Your first photo is not an American so-called "Aircraft"; it is a Tornado variant, F-3 I think. :wink:

Check it out here...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Torn ... 63.arp.jpg


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I must say Theo you have some great angles there on those shots! :mrhappy:

Surprised you needed macro for the shot of the A10 cannon though.

In the days when photography was my thing [yes I mean in the days when we rocked paper back and forth in a dish and inverted (agitated) film in a tank to stop the bubbles] macro was more for super close ups.

Have things changed a bit with these fancy digital mega pixy wixel cameras?

Believe it or not I still haven't got a digital apart from the 2mp job on my mobile.

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