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Hello to everyone, I am quite new to the flightsim community. I persuaded my father that he was too old and dilapidated for messing with flight simulators and that he should donate it to me, and bless him he did, but seriously there is another reason other than his cruel son prising it out of his hands, honestly!! :clapping: I know he spent a lot of money on the software and the computer is I would say mid range in the performance arena. Well after messing with it to my surprise the quality is far beyond what I really expected and I have enjoyed experimenting so far but have about 4875 questions to ask.

The first one is peripherals as in joysticks. He used a really old joystick that has no throttle or anything, it

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Hello Wingit and welcome to MutleysHangar Forums!

In terms of Joysticks, you have a wide variety to choose from. Like many, I started off with the old Joystick on the Desk and MSFS setup, but have recently wandered into the realms of Cockpit Building and am now enjoying Building my own simulator parts such as Real-Aircraft Instruments converted to Simulator use through application of Servo motors, making my own Boeing 767 CDU, designing my own Pedestal and constructing my own 767 Overhead. For more information, you may wish to visit the thread(s) at the top of this Forum, it contains details of all the Hardware I've used and al lthe applications I've built myself.

Anyway! Enough about myself.

Joysticks. Before you go ahead and purchase one, you need to think, "What do I really want?". If you are a casual GA Flyer, than you might actually be more interested in Products such as the Saitek Pro Flight Yoke System & Throttle (See: http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/yoke.htm). However! If you do definitely prefer to have a Joystick, then the expensive but highly advanced Saitek X-52 System may be for you (See:http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/x52.htm). If you are looking for a cheaper but confortable alternative, I have personally used the Saitek ST290 Pro for 5 Years now. I has a throttle, fully functioning joystick (complete with twist control), hat switch, buttons and much more (See:http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/st290pro.htm).

For ultimate realism, I would not reccommend using a Joystick for rudder control. I would reccommend getting yourself a pair of decent Rudder PEDALS, such as the Sitek Ruders (See:http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/rudder.htm). These allow you to experience the true rudder inputs that are present on 90% of aircraft (very few have a twist control for rudder input i nreal life).

If you want to go further, and add some Hardware such sa Radios or a Transponder to your setup, may I reccommend another Saitek Product... The Saitek Pro Flight Radios (See:http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/pfradio.htm). Furthermore, there is a Spanish company called Opencockpits of whom I'd wholeheathedly reccommend (See:www.opencockpits.com), in paricular I'd reccommend their Transponder which is very realistic and looks awesome (See:http://www.opencockpits.com/catalog/atc-737-module-pp-p-237.html?cPath=22_61).

Although you definitely won't want to be doing this yet, I'd also reccommend Opencockpits for their fantastic range of IOCards, which are Electronic Cards designed to interface with FS2004/FSX/X-Plane/FS98. I have, using these Cards, built my own CDU and designed my Own Cockpit instruments.

Further additions to your home Cockpit could be things like the Saitek Pro Flight Switch Panel (See:http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/pfpanel.htm). This is a generic panel which allows you to control things such as landing lights, landing gear, starter rotary knob and MUCH more at the flick of a switch. Highly reccommended.

In terms of Software additions, there are (literally) thousands of add-on softwares that you can purchase (or download for free in some cases) to enhance your Sim setup. Some of the MUST HAVES are, REX (Real environment Extreme, See:http://www.realenvironmentxtreme.com/), FTX (FUll Terrain Experience, See:http://www.fullterrain.com/), and much more.

You'll need a fairly good PC to run all this, please look at my specification on the left of my post, and also browse the forums for other specifications.

With my current hardware and software setup, I am getting graphical results like this:







Also, if you would like to have a peek at my Hardware setup, look here:

This is my home-built Boeing 747-400 Pedestal:


And, on that EICAS panel visible at the top, sits my homemade B747-400 CDU:


Wiring of our home-built CDU:


Full picture, lying on carpet:


My projects have also extended into, as previously mentioned, motorised aircraft instruments, a few pcitures of current projects (that small device with wires extended off've it is the Servo Motor, all of this is interfaced using SIOC Software and the USBServos Card...



A video of my working VSI instrument:


Furthermore, I have aquired a real-world Audio Panel which I'm looking to interface using SIOC and FSX for my B747-400 Pedestal Project:


Also, a picture of my Hardware ILS indicator which will be interfaced...


FINALLY, if you are interested in any of the products I've mentioned in my review, please check out my reviews (and other people's too!) for this site...

Carenado Piper Seneca II: http://mutleyshangar.com/reviews/jack/pa34/pa34.htm

Saitek Pro Flight Switch Panel: http://mutleyshangar.com/features/aa/pfs.htm

Aerosoft Discus Glider: http://www.mutleyshangar.com/reviews...cus/discus.htm

Opencockpits 737ATC Transponder: http://mutleyshangar.com/reviews/jack/737atc/737atc.htm

Aerosoft Maldives X: http://mutleyshangar.com/reviews/jac...x/maldivex.htm

Aerosoft SimCheck A300B4-200: http://mutleyshangar.com/reviews/jack/a300/a300.htm

I really hope this information as helped!

Kind regards,

Jack :clapping:

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Hello Wingit and welcome to this, most freindly of forums!

Q1 - I use a Saitek AV8R-01 joystick (http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/av8r.htm)and it's fine for everything from General Aviation to commercial 'tube-liners' and air-to-air combat.

By the way, what flight sim version do you use?

Once again, welcome to the club!

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To start out, just consider a decent quality joystick with integral throttle and a twist-grip for rudder. You don't need any more than that to begin with. Once you get your feet wet and get an idea what kind of AC and what kind of flying you want to do, etc, then you can make decisions about yoke, rudder pedals, throttle quadrants, etc. Keep the expense low to begin with until you get some experience with it.

...and yes, this is a friendly and helpful place - best FS site on the web, in my opinion.


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Welcome to Mutleys. Easily the friendliest forum in the FS community. I started out here and feel like one the gang now. Without my constant asking of questions on here my set up would not be what it is. We're all willing to help and in my three years on here I haven't received an unsavory response once.

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Thank you for your responses and hell what an insight to what is available out there.. I have FSX installed along with much more software of which I am slowly investigating.

I have spent a few weeks messing around and really got into the world of flight simulation. I do know I probably need a few upgrades to get up to a reasonable pace, but then feel that at this moment I am quite close to what I need, there are several scenery packages and one of those being AustriaX and I can see that its quite detailed and I tend to get a reasonable performance while flying in that area, it also has an environment package too so plenty happening..

once again thank you for your advice and information..


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Hi Wingit and welcome to Mutleys Hangar.

I'm Rob and help/hinder out around here as much as I can.

My first piece of advice would be to start simple and well within your budjet. Whilst all the advice above is excellent and well worth taking into consideration I think you would be better starting out with a simple joystick that has a throttle control and just enjoy playing around in FSX for the time being. If you really enjoy it and can see yourself doing it for a long time, then and only then, should you start thinking about opening your wallet for new additions.

This hobby can quickly become an obsession to get the best out of your system: the saying $50 for the game and $5,000 for a system to run it has never been more apt.

If/When you decide you want to upgrade, let us know what you are looking for as there is bound to be someone here who can give you advice.

Hope to see more of you around here

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Welcome, Wingit - you don't have to be mad to enjoy The Hangar, but it helps!

Kieran's advice is right on the nail - the Saitek AVI8R is probably the best joystick available at the price (approx 25 GBP + postage) - I use one and I can recommend it. As John says, when you move on to the 'heavies', you'll probably want a yoke and rudder-pedal set-up. And then there's helicopters..... :thumbup:

Don't forget to put up some screen-shots.... :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Hi wingit,

:thumbup: to Mutley's, I'm Joe or Mut, member #1 and I am still here! :thum:

We have very helpful, knowledgeable and friendly community here, it's great to see another newcomer who in a matter of weeks has been smitten by the FS bug :cool:

If you really want to belong let us know your first name it makes things so much more personal and fun. As for flight controllers I agree with John (allardjd) that a twist grip joystick with throttle control and a few buttons is a great place to start. I use a Thrustmaster T.16000M Joystick http://www.thrustmaster.com/product.aspx?ProductID=153&PlatformID=5 A nice heavy base, plenty of programmable switches and a smooth and accurate operation.

For more realism, especially for GA flying, if you have the budget, a flight yoke and pedals is the way to go, many users have the Saitek model, I prefer the CH Product as they also make controllers for industry so you are assured of a quality product http://www.chproducts.com/retail/

Feel free to ask any questions and we will try to help

All the best,


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Hi John!

Ah the wonderful West Country! Do you need a passport to leave Cornwall?! You are very lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country, you must get fed up with the tourists this time of year!



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