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Touch N Go part 2

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For a different reason this time. High over Saint Maarten with the sun rapidly moving to the horizon :help:


I decided to call it a day (or an evening!) aircraft just touched down


Very long finals, I've got clearance but they couldn't refuse me!


The approach seem to take for ever.


Lining her up, not far to go.


My hotel for the night if I make it..


... And my bar!


I will have to dodge him, I can't exactly go around.


Off to the left to make sure I don't drop on top of him


Back on line, gently does it.




Pulled off to the side whilst I still had momentum as I could hear the approaching sound of sharp propellers!


Just radioing for a tug!


Hope you enjoyed.


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You guys must have incredible systems... I get horrible frame rates with FSX, yet I can get in the 40's or more in FS9 with everything turned all the way up. One day I'll take a look at some of the FSX tweaking guides.

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I was a beta tester for FSX SP1, quite early on the advances they made if you have a dual or quad core processor made so much difference to the fluidity.

I get 40's with FSX, not with all the sliders up though, I don't have light bloom switched on any more (Unless I want a certain effect in a screenshot) as that is a frame killer so it's no worse for me than FS2004 was when it first came out.

Over the UK I fly with photo scenery and have the autogen switched off, that really helps too.

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I'm using a dual-core proc, but I guess I just have something set too high. I'll take a look again. The only problem I have with turning sliders down, turning off scenery, etc is that the only reason for me to go from FS9 to FSX is to get all the stuff I'm turning off. Between the two, I end up with more "eye candy" with FS9 PLUS the better frame rates than I can with FSX for now.

I know in the future when I get my next computer that'll be different, but for now, I guess I have either some more tweaking to do and accept the shortcomings, or stick with FS9. :help:

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