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FEX/REX/GEX/UTX/3D Lights/kitchen sink

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Hi all

I have UTX Europe and Alaska - the two areas I do most of my flying - and would like to add some environmental treats to make my hops more visually delighting :smile:

The thing is, there are seemingly so many these days, it's hard to choose which one would be best, or indeed, whether it would be better to buy more than one.

I also have Active Sky - been using 6.5 up to now, but have just upgraded to ASe, though I haven't actually tried it out yet.

I've tried two environment mods from Zinertek and was most unimpressd with both. One was Night Enironment and the other was World environment (I think). All they seemed to do was put odd-looking shadowing on my aircraft exteriors. I did try Airport Environment, too - that was better, but still not that impressive.

I was thinking about getting REX (if I can justify the expense), when GEX Europe suddenly turned up - apparently optimised to work well with UTX Europe. So that had me wondering what was best. Then suddenly, out of the blue popped FEX! :biggrin:

And now I'm totally confused! :help:

So, what does anyone recommend, (from my google-sponsored trips around the net, I understand they are all good) and will one with work okay with another - such as GEX and REX work together - or is GEX just a smaller REX? and where does FEX fit in?

Another point - I read that REX improves aircraft lights - so where do I stand with my A2A 3D lights (which I really like) on that?

If I get REX, should I ditch 3D Lights and Active Sky?

Needless to say - I think - this is all on FSX.




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Okay, I'm pretty sure I have this sussed now! :biggrin:

REX provides dynamic environmental textures - weather, water etc

GEX provides ground textures including autogen

FEX provides themes.

Just have to find out if the themes that FEX provides can be used by REX.


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Well I find REX quite expensive, tbh.

I will get it in future - but have settled with GEX Europe for now, to go with my UTX Europe package (and VFR scenery of Airfields UK and Germany).

I took some screenshots - it's quite impressive, though there are some oddities, such as airfields looking very soggy (that goes for other scenery, too - though only at lower altitudes of 0 to 1500 ft-ish). It doesn't make it too bad, though. Another gripe is that the aerodrome runway lines stand out like phosphorous - as with default, but perhaps worse. Wish they'd sort that, it looks well silly.

Anyway - a flight from EGFF Cardiff, via St Athan EGDX (overflight only) to Bristol EGGD. See for yourselves. The images are reduced in size from 1680x1050 to 1024x726, so there is some deficiency in the quality:

after leaving EGFF:










I'm sure you'll have noticed I put a couple of ones from a Kittyhawk, but switched to a Diamond Star. Remember - it's only ground textures, not weather or sky.

I quite like it :smile:


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Yes, thanks - and the good thing about using these two packages is that, whilst they are not exactly photo-real scenery as per the JF and Horizon packages, UTX is pretty accurate with the road and river placings, so you can fly VFR in 3D around the whole of Europe (rather than in 2D as per photo based scenery, in smaller areas), using traditional VFR navigation methods.

I do find the roads are often too wide (they can be adjusted, though), but they are nevertheless in the right place.


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Okay, I now have REX 2, too :stars:

It's great, 'cos I can take the advantages of the GEX Europe package - i.e. the ground textures and terrain as in the screenies above (and it's the best, combined with autogen, I've ever seen on a flight sim) - and combine that with the water, weather and airport textures from Rex2 :cool:

Using those with UTX Europe makes the whole VFR thing come together perfectly.

I'll have to have a flight in Alaska later and see how that looks - with UTX Alaska, too, it could be the most awesome AH operating area.

The only thing that concerns me is having to load up REX and Active Sky before starting FSX. That may well put paid to using it effectively in AH.

Also, it seems I have to put in a flightplan for both - but does that mean I have to exit FSX if, after my original flight, I decide to fly elsewhere, and reset REX/AS for the new area?

Oh yeah - what about A2A 3D lights - does REX affect them, anyone know?


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  • 2 months later...

REX 2 is superb. particularly in FS9. It transforms it. Good thing is the range of texture sizes - good for tweaking FPS.

Have you tried FTX Aus stuff yet ? Try Aus Blue or NWP; you'll rarely go back to Europe!

Personally, I'm not a lover of GEP for Europe, in FSX. Too 'textured' and "green" for my liking. Think they dropped the ball this time.

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