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hand drawn art work? - show me what you've got!

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Now, dont get me wrong here guys, but I'm seeing some lovely edits here, and some rather interesting screenies in the Screenshots board, however what i've yet to find here is some real art work.

Remeber the days when you used to be able to grab a nice set of leaded pencils, put them to paper and....umm, scri.... no, errr... now, what was it called... oh yes, drawing!!...... no, neither do i, but thats beside the point!

So, here's my challenge to you all (including our fabulous host here Mr. Mutley!!) - pick any one of your favourite aircraft, and draw it in pencil/pen in a realistic scene (i'll allow it to be placed on a digital photo/background if required). Then, using any colouring tool that you wish (paints, pencils, colouring crayons, PSP/PhotoShop, pastles etc) colour it all in and post it here....

Winner gets.... well, credibitly i guess!

What are you waiting for then? Get your pencils at the ready and DRAW!!

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I think you should post an example :cool:

I can't draw to save my life, good luck with it though!

no worries, it was actually a drawing im working on now that prompted me to post this challenge, give me 'till tomorrow evening and i'll post the initial sketch! - i want to see your efforts tho guys!

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Nice one Simi, it's got to be good if I can recognise it :-)

i say, spot on old chap, what what. Jerries on you six!

nowhere near finished yet, this is just the very basic sketch. so much more detail to do yet, and then thers the colouring

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Nice stuff, and a great idea for a thread!

I tried drawing something this morning, but it’s far from finished, ad I can’t draw. But I will try to finish it and upload it for yall soon.

Won’t be coloured, as that’s pushing my luck. :blink:

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I prefer Photoshop - check out my latest work

Keep trying guys - I was once where you were! :blink:

me too, but i struggle to draw with the pen tools. i usually sketch in pencil, then ink with 0.05mm fineliners, scan into PS CS2 then as a multi-layer PSD, clean it up then colour and sign it.

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