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Anyone Bought the Codemasters F1 2010 Console Game ?

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Well I have the 360 version and it's way to arcadey for me... so I'm hoping that the "modders" get busy with the PC version and improve it a litt;e:

Examples: Virtually impossible to lock up wheels even with All Aids OFF.

No noticeable wheelspin... with TC off. Only way to spin car is chuck it around a 2nd gear corner at 120 mph.

But, the settiings can be changed to "effectively" cripple the car - like using Inters rather than dry tyres, and using zero downforce etc.

Unfortunately, this is really counter-intuitive, as part of the fun of racing sims is to tweak for faster lap times, not slower!

Anyhow, it's still good fun, but not as simmy s the early PS2 verison (Liverpool Studios) or F1 Challenge/Geoff Crammond etc.

Looks nice though! Probably look stonking on a decent PC.

Looking forward to career mode with dynamic weather... that may make it a little tougher !

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Well yo have to keep up to date... I panic at below 30% on my Sky+ box ( abit like my FPS in FS!!!), but even though I have 750 GB HDD in it (used Copy+) and have like 80 hours, I always end up deleting more than i watch - especially movies which get the old "it'll be on again!" more often than not !

If you're expecting a Geoff Crammond level of physics/sim... don't hold your breath. :cool: But it is a hard game - the Ai is brutal and the penalties are even worse. You will not win.

I reckon everyone will eventually be playing on Easy level with all the difficulty settings like Punctures, and Penalties and tyre wear, set to minimum. At least things are highly customisable.

But, overall, it is enjoyable... and looks a whole lot better than 'ye olde' classics. :)

My advice is stick it on a nice big plasma at 1080p, sit in your lazy boy, and use a 360 controller. Get the missus to fetch you a chinese and a 4 pack of Stella... and do the entire Singapore Weekend in Grand Prix mode, in real-time this weekend.

Cripes... still got the IS2 review to finish.. promised it for Monday... oh dear... oh dear!


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I finally got on last night (lost track of time and played until after midnight). I jumped straight in on expert level to see what im up against and it will take some time to master. The marshalls seem a little too eager with the blue flags and penalties and the cars are very twitchy with the normal remote; i'll try the streering wheel later. Overall a good game so far, very happy with the purchase

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If anyone wants some competition, add me to your friends list, and we can compare time trial results.

Maybe we could have some races, although I haven't tried out online yet.

My other fave game that is totally addicitve is TrialsHD if anyone plays that ? I've logged 200 hours so far... madness - sheers madness. Gotta get Gold, gotta get Gold... one more go...just one more.... :)

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Well just don't try and get in front of him, or he'll crash right into you, and it'll be you that gets a drive through penalty (!) - the Ai and penalty system seems to still be in "Beta".

BTW, how are the FPS on the PC version. Do you have Dirt or Grid to compare it to ?

I've heard there may be anti-aliasing problems, although judging by the screenie, it looks mighty fine to me !

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Holey moley Joe! What a screenshot, the quality is fantastic.

I took a 5 place grid penalty for my first championship race; I spun in FP1 and bounced over a corner, which was deemed as corner cutting! The fact that I had no front wing due to bashing it that hard didn't matter.

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Yeah I thought it might.

In Dirt 1 and Grid, I was able to get 60 FPS at 16x10 with max settings and 8xAA, all vert synched on a 3.4GHz Core 2 Quad and a GTX 260, and I believe that the new EGO engine mark 2 is even better. So, with your i7 system it should be pretty nice.

Has anyone managed to go through the pit lane without speeding yet ? Seems to be a bit of a problem using the limiter, and many peeps are complaining its very awkward to use.

I've not actually done a full race yet, just been playing around with it.

So anyway, we should make this the official "Post your Time Trial laptimes" thread - and of course rely on our honour as flight simmers, not to tell porkies.....!!!! - no adding on a 10th here, or a tenth there!

My best so far (after a dozen or so attempts) in the Jaguar at Australia in the dry, is 1m 34 seconds..

Strange really, as in the old (good & original one for 'Liverpool Studios') PS2 version and in the F1 Challenge 2001-2, I was getting some 1m 26s. Gues I've a little way to go !

BTW, I've finished the IS2 review. Will give it a final proof read tomorrow and send you a link. Grand Prix - all 60 laps (!) on TV, is always a great time to get things done !!!

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Thanks Gabe, looking forward to to the review.

I had a quick go with FRAPS and I was getting 60FPS too not sure that is accurate as I had to download a new version of FRAPs and it may be not set up right , the game settings are maxxed, nothing special with my PC set up. My next aim is to shoot some footage and post on YT but that maybe not until next week.

I am having a bit of bovver with the game controller settings, I have to use a custom set up for my wheel and pedals and for some reason it will not save the config, really annoying but still looking at it

I will have to start posting times from my time trials too.



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This is too expensive for me. If it comes down in a few months/years I may get it.

I'm very satisfied with the many excellent add-on F1 seasons for rFactor (and rFactor 2 is just around the corner...)

You also get just about any season from 1955 onwards - for no extra cost.

Best racing sim ever.


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Hmmm.. rFactor.

You will not like F 2010. It is extrmemly arcadey compared to the likes of rFactor and GTR. But, it s good fun and looks pretty ace.

So, I wouldn't worry too much!

We're hoping that the modders may improve the PC version. Time will tell.

1.33 heh Rob ? Game on !

Try it in Time Trial mode though, with Aids off... not that it makes a huge difference in this game.

Time trial mode puts everyone on an even keel. If you managed 1.33 in a race, then you should do even better in a TT. The track is rubbered for a start, although I'm not sure what the fuel situation is.

The world record BTW, on XBox live, around 1.25 I think, although that changes every day at the moment.

I'll post all the 16 lap records here, as soon as they equilibrate in week or so, then you know what to aim for !

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Well heres my efforts, the son brought it down when he visited this weekend. Typical of codemasters some fantastic graphics and I don't run them on their full capability, but it didn't live up to what I thought it was looking like it was going to be, it does border on the console side of gaming great graphics and it just feels like they have tried to add a little something to keep the pc simulation world happy.. Just my opinion mind you, but I won't be rushing out to buy this one.






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