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AirHauler Record Attempt - Saturday 16th October!

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(from the JF Forums...)

Hi All,

The World Record Attempt will be held on the 16th October 2010 from around 7PM until Midnight BST (UK Time), or 6PM to 11PM Zulu/GMT.

What is it? It's an attempt to get the most people ever flying in AirHauler at one time! (ok, so it's not a real world record, but hey!). Lets see if we can break the 82 pilot record from the 31st of Jan this year!!

Any pilots flying in AirHauler (REMEMBER to set AH to upload your position to the Radar) during those times will be eligible for the draw for the door prizes.

We'll have a concerted effort to get everyone on around 10pm BST, 9pm Zulu, but in practice when we hit the high point, we hit the high point!

The Teamspeak server is set up and I'll publish the details on this post shortly, and there'll be an FSHosts server running from tomorrow evening for us to use (hopefully it'll work ok!!).

I'll be on the Radar chat within Airhauler, and on Teamspeak, and on the forums throughout so drop by and say hello!!!

Look forward to seeing you on Saturday!!!!

The Teamspeak server details are posted over at the AirHauler General Discussion forum at Just Flight, and any more news will be in this thread here:




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Managed to Divert to Manston in the Dodo-Sim 206 - watched a few landings, but the chickens needed taking back to Welshpool... :whis:

Plenty of action and a lot of chat on TeamSpeak including 1 guy who didn't even have FS! He must have thought he'd dropped into a funny world.

Hope we beat the Record - max I saw was over 90 - Well done Duncan! :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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I am still on, saw you trying to talk to me and I was trying to respond but no joy cray.gif

Also FS Host wouldn't connect for me this evening, it was working this afternoon. I saw 91 on the radar too.


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It looks like the final total was 95 today. Ironically, there were 105 at one point yesterday - I guess people logging on to check out Teamspeak and the Multi-Player server.

Dai won one of the prizes - a JF download, I think.

I flew a couple of jobs but had the map up and didn't see much of a crowd at Daytona Beach - two or three maybe. It really was kind of fun watching the map too.

OFSC was represented by three - Steve Austin, Jack Neal and that Allard guy.

Duncan claims we'll be doing this again.

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