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  • 3 months later...

But there is another B-25, freeware too, by RCS panels.

There is no paintkit, and the textures are organised in a peculiar way, lots of little files, so nobody has sone any paints for it, ever....until now.





still very much work in progress, but these are the first shots of the thing coming together...

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RCS Panels will not grant permission for any repaints of this package. The only repaints allowed, will be those done by RCS Panels team members. Any requests for particular liveries should be sent to RCS Panels at :- roy@roychaffin.com

too bad...

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well, I could paint them, and they even offered to host them on their site, but that came with a few restrictions....restrictions I was not willing to accept.

So, no paints for the RCS model. But there's still the other B-25, by Maam-sim, and they have no problems at all with repaints, so...

the conversion took less than an hour:





this one is real easy to paint, even though there is no paintkit either. What is it with B-25 modellers?

But how do you like these ones then?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Those last two are now available on OZX, happy flying!

Thanks Jan - excellent paint work.

As for many FSX port-overs, there are some issues with the transparent parts.

I am looking after a way to get the windows more reflective.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 10 months later...

funny development with the RCS version:

They released an update of the RCS B-25, with the promise of more to come, and it includes my paints!

That in itself is no problem, when they wouldn't allow me to publish them, I sent them to Roy and told him to with it what he liked, and clearly he did something.

What I find strange is that there is no mention of me anywhere in the new package, not even on the credits page in the manual.

Let's hope it was just a little forgetfullness on their side...

What is worse, is that it still a FS9 portover, with the propellors hiding behind the clouds, even though they say it is for FSX...perhaps it is good my name isn't mentioned....


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I just looked at the site and unless you are AKA Steve Wayne I would say that is a glaring omission on his part. If it's freeware, why wouldn't you be able to publish them? Seems like the business side of this stuff can turn into a pain in the butt. No wonder so many talented folks end up leaving the sim community because of mistreatment.

Is the aircraft worth downloading? Isn't it possible to change out the props bmp's or ddl's with "like" props from an FSX AC?

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I only discovered this because Steve Wayne posted on the ozx forum.

I'm sure they re now aware of things.

Sorriest thing to me is that it still just a fs9 portover, so with the usual windows and prop problems.

I'm still fond of the B-25, but it deserves a fsx native model by now I think.

Let's hope the one by Vertigo is not too far off

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