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This is my first leg for quite a while, I hope that I can match the posts which have gone before me!

Today's flight will only be a short one of just over 100nm, I have elected to use the Lancair IV-P from ORBX. We will have a couple of passengers and one of Sharon's stewardess friends to accompany us on the short trip

As we arrived at the aircraft our stewardess, Una, greeted us


It was a close run thing as to who looked better, Una or the Lancair


After the pre-flight checklists we were ready to taxi to the runway


She sure looks good


As we moved onto the active our passengers saw what was ahead, literally


And began a mad scramble for the exit, along with the baton


Until now I did not know that Una was an expert negotiator. 'Stay there or I'll throw you into the sea' seemed to make the passengers change their mind and take their seats.

After the short commotion we were under way, with a steep climb-out to clear the hill


A shot from outside shows beautiful blue waters and A GREY AND MURKY SKY??? I thought it was sun, sea and sand all the way out here


Not to worry, we were soon turning to our course and climbing to 4,500 feet. That should put us below the clouds




Here is the new office, very nice I'm sure you will agree!


After a few minutes Una pointed out that we were flying over St Maarten. The dull waether has kept everyone indoors, so we didn't see anyone riding the fence


After our detour we are back on track and in the soup


Things began to get very bumpy here. The passengers were beginning to think that Una's threat to throw them out was a better prospect than the flight



After 30 minutes our destination came into view, time to descend



The waters look a little bit more inviting here


We were given clearance to land on runway 7, time to do a short circuit around the airport and get ready to land



The clouds haven't cleared up much


View from the cockpit on short finals


And one from the outside


It wasn't too busy today so one of the ATCO's got this touchdown shot from the tower gantry


Safely down and taxing back to parking, it has been a rough flight


We're all parked up and ready to go to the press conference to spread the word about the final section of the ATWC


After being asked about how the flight went, Una said that she would no longer take Sharon's advice that the Mutley's Hangar pilots were some of the best. She said that the flight 'had aged her 60 years'


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Hey Rob, :atwc: :gtfl: :great: s.

Ok, that's all the creeping done.

Now, picture #1

How did you fit all those seats behind Una, in that little Lancair??????

Is this aircraft a Tardis by any chance?

Excellent scenery shots also.

The baton is well and truly on it's way now.



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Great leg Rob..

Can't help but feel a bit worried about the main landing gear on that model.. it looks like it could snap at any moment..

Must be what had Una worried, can't imagine it was your piloting skills that was the problem :th_smiles73:

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