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Has anyone tried the Precision Aerobus - Fokker 50?

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I've been looking for a good rendition of the Fokker 50 for a while now, and stumbeled on to this on in The Flightsim Store after setting my credit card on fire while ordering some OrbX scenery (reviewing the Pacific Fjords scenery turned out to be an expensive task :biggrin: ).

Does anyone know if it's any good??

Among other features it claims to have this

"Check Lists

Integrated file system with voice"

A nice feature if it works...

Looks rather nice, but the VC looks a bit cartoonish..

I won't be taking the plunge on this one right now, I have enough new planes to fly with pre-orders for both the DC-3 and the A319/318 Airliners on JF + plus the fact that I picked up the Airbus Collection Long Haul in their current sale...

Any input is welcome.

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Hi Micke,

A new one for me, I think the VC cartoon quality may also be down to the picture quality, look at the developers website: Link

I didn't see the reference to the voice files, I wonder if I have the right product.

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This is the dev site for the one I found..


Doesn't look like the same one you found..

And as for the cartoonish look to the cockpit, I can live with that if it's a well modelled aircraft with some kind of complexity to the systems...

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Looking at it some more it looks like most systems are modelled.

The only thing missing is the FMC. It's available as an 3rd party add-on, but only to FS9 as far as I can understand.

EDIT: Scratch that last statement. The FS9 only part was the supplied inclusion of the FMC-kit into the aircraft, but the FMC works in FSX too, you just need to know how to put in there.

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IIRC, this was reviewed in either PCP or CP and they said it was OK, not brilliant. But the main problem was that none of the manuals were in english, so you might want to check that our prior to ordering. Unless you speak whatever language they were in that is

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I do, for the sake of the reviewer, hope it wasn't in chinese.. (the developers are Hong Kong based).

I did find an english manual on their website though. And it was written in better english than that present on the webpage...

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Don't know if you are still looking for a Fokker 50 or not but I found this one.


Sorry if you have already got one or seen this one


I know this is an older post now - but I have that F50 and I don't think it's too bad at all.

I'm going from my ageing memory here - tested it a month or so ago and haven't reinstalled it after the upgrade as yet - but I was surprised that it wasn't as complicated to fly as the PC Pilot review suggested - so maybe that was for a different F50?

This is the aircraft I fell out the cargo hold of, that ended my working life. Just a good job it wasn't a Jumbo or something...

It was the 10:30 Lufthansa plane, was prepping it for a flight to Hamburg (from Tempelhof).


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