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My leg of ATWC III is from San Salvador, Bahamas to Fayetteville, NC. Since I live in South Florida I decided that to get to my departure point it would be nice to book passage on a cruise ship out of Port Everglades to Nassau, Bahamas. So I packed my bags and got ready for a relaxing cruise. Since the cruise ship doesn't go to San Salvador, the plan is after docking at the Prince George Wharf I'll charter a Skyhawk to fly into San Salvador. Since this is all for the benefit of the ATWC, I put all of it on Joe’s corporate card. (thanks Joe!).

This is our ship leaving Port Everglades.


And our Arrival into Nassau.


My charter flight getting ready to leave Nassau.


Joe, here’s a picture of the hotel that you paid for. After all, I needed a good nights sleep before my flight. You don’t get a lot of rest on these cruises, with all of the parties going on.


I met up with Kieran in the bar. We enjoyed a nice meal together, he handed me the baton and wished me luck. I picked up the tab (thanks again Joe!)

My original plan was to rent a Learjet to Fayetteville, but by this time the Mutley’s corporate card was maxed out and Golden Wings Charter denied it. Now I had to think fast as the clock was ticking. As it turned out, Air Aruba had a 767-200ER charter flight getting ready to go to Fayetteville, but the First Officer had gotten a nasty case of stomach flu

and they needed a sub. Lucky for me I am type rated on the 767 and through a connection of mine I was able to arrange to take his place.

There she is, ready for boarding.


As I walk to the plane I can’t believe my luck. There’s Sharon waving to me.


Since I am the First Officer I get stuck with doing the pre-flight walk around.


But it seems that my luck improves as I see Sharon’s crewmate, Kerie, greeting me from the aft cabin.


It’s been a while since I’ve flown a 767 so I do a quick bit of brushing up on the type and safely stow the baton.


Here’s the load sheet from dispatch.


Programming the FMC.


Passengers boarded. Time for push back and engine start.






Leaving San Salvador.


The view on departure from my First Officer seat.


At 29,000 ft, I ring Sharon and she delivers a cup of coffee.




Preparation for landing and gear down.


Runway in sight.


On final approach.


A local plane spotter snapped this photo as we flew over.


Short final. A bit high but doable.


Thrust reversers.


Flight Complete!


Joe, I’m sorry about maxing out your credit card.

Mikael, I’ll leave the baton with Sharon. She said she’ll be waiting for you at the Cape Fear Botanical garden. It’s a short 10 minute trip. Here’s a link to MapQuest directions for you. http://www.mapquest.com/mq/6-pDfXR1JoOCfiQhPK8vNL

Have fun.

Good luck on leg 49

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I hope that coffee didn't spill, Richard - right next to the AMC, too! :whis:

Nice narrative and screen shots to go with it - looks like you enjoyed that 'mini-break'. :thum:

Come to think of it, why doesn't the Boss let me have the plastic, sometimes? :twocents:


At this rate we will finish the ATWC in time for xmas

Not when you see the fog around Greenland, Rob! :stars:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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I honestly hope Joe won't be too angry... :P.

Great ATWC too; one of the best I've seen. Cruise ship was just there at both destinations? It looks default... was wondering if you used an addon. My ATWC is slowly creeping up on me; I think I had better start flying my route. :)

Thanks IceUpPitotTube.

The cruise ship is the default FSX.

There was a cruise ship at both Nassau and San Salvador, but from Ft. Lauderdale the cruise ships do not go to San Salvador. The closest they go is Nassau, which is why I rented the Cessna. I don't know where the cruise ship at San Salvador came from. Miami perhaps?

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Great leg Richard.. I just hope I will be able to find Sharon and the baton in time for my departure. You really shuldn't let her run of with that blue rod, one never knows what she'll be up to ;)

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Hey Joe. No reprimands for abusing your credit card? Does that mean I get to keep it? :th_smiles73:

Hi Rich,

Just catching up (Sorry real world) and I feel you deserve a atwciiigold.png for this post!

I'm going back for another view in a minute!..

Now, the credit card, we have just got a bucket-load of reward points awarded, Mrs Mutley is just choosing her First Class seat to the Maldives so you are all forgiven biggrin.gif



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