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I am once again back, and this time for good! I've been very busy these past few years and haven't logged a single hour on any flight sim in years, but that's all changed again and I'm back!!!

I can't wait to sift through all the posts here to catch up on things and with the good people of this forum. I'm sure that not everyone will remember me, but to those who do, I look forward to reconnecting with you. To those whom I've not yet met, I look forward to getting to know you.

A little about me: I've been flying flight sims since even before the old subLogic Flight Simulator days (before MS bought it). I started on the TI/99-4A with the Dow-4 Gazelle (I still have the instruction manual from this gem) which was an instrument-only simulator. I've been hooked ever since. I had my PPL (no longer current) and at one time was working toward a career in aviation. Instead, I became a software engineer, and then a tech writer and now I'm a project manager at an international documentation and engineering company. I have three kids (two mine, one adopted recently) and I'm married. I've loved aviation since I was a very small child (my parents claim my first word was "yapapa" which is a baby-talk way of saying airplane in Hungarian, my first language).

Anyway, enough about me. I just wanted to say hi.

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Hiya E.J!

It's great to have you back, refreshed after your sabbatical I hope!

Not a lot has changed, some of the members maybe as they come and go but lots of new ones too.

Feel free to ask questions if you need bringing up to speed with things.



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Thanks everyone!!!

It's so weird to think I've not flown for so long. Time really does fly (even if I didn't get to!). I did have to fly a lot for business, and every time I flew, I was wondering when I would get back into my simulated cockpit (not really a cockpit; just my desk, joystick/yoke, and some coffee) and start drilling some holes in the sky again. Now, I finally have that time. With all the kids working and driving themselves, I am no longer chief taxi driver and activities director. Now I'm just the ATM machine and the guy who pays for car insurance. lol.

But I'm also now the guy who gets to fly again. :)

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