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Thanks to Mutleys and Rob Cappers at UIVER, I find myself in the left seat of this wiiide bodied DC2 :wootmesalia: (it's got to be wide - I can stretch my arms out both sides and not touch anything! Just a quick trip round the circuit in this one, but I'll soon be giving it a decent workout and exploring the flight envelope.













I'd better get home from Japan asap - I feen another excursion coming on! :rockon:

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Great display flight Tim, I know she will live up to expectations!

BTW, where's Sharon off to?

I don't know if Tim has had the pleasure of meeting Sharon yet Dai? :th_smiles73:

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If you do run into her, let her know my Seneca needs a spunge bath will you :biggrin:

Great shots.

And a small question. What's the main difference between the DC-2 and DC-3, they look very similar. I do think that the only DC-3 i've been inside of had a 2+1 seating arrangement, so I guess it has a wider body. Any other big differnces??

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Great pics Tim, glad you like her. It was my pleasure. I followed the MEBAR, and had a lot of fun checking all comments and forum posts. Flew a few legs myself, out of competuition ofcourse, just to get into the right feeling!

Looking forward to you more decent workout :bb:

Differences between DC2 and DC3, there are many. Here are a few:

Actually the first DC3 had the same engines as the DC2: Wright Cyclone 1820 F52, 9 cylinder radial.

DC2: no cowl flaps for the engines.

DC2: straight cabin walls, DC3 has a round fuselage. So the DC3 could seat 7 rows of 3, DC2 7 rows of 2 pax.

DC2: bit shorter, and a smaller wingspan, although the wingroot and the central wing part is the same: There was even a partly destroyed DC3, that could fly to a repair facility, with a DC2 wing mounted. Check this out DC2 1/2 Those were the days!

DC2: 2 landing lights in the nose.

DC2: smaller vertical stabilizer and rudder. The DC2 had bad lateral stability on the beginning, a lot of fish-tailing. Actually the DC2 vertical stab evolved untill it was the same as the later DC3's, with the dorsal fin etc. This vertical stab was implemented in the DC3 from the start.

Also in the cockpit some differences:

The DC2 has one engine selector, and one tank selector. The DC3 has a tank selector per engine: less chance to make mistakes.

Also the mixture levers operate in the opposite direction from the throttle and pitch levers. Throttle and Pith you need to move forward to increase, mixture back to make it richer....

This can give you a hairy moment when during descend you move the levers in the wrong direction, when you want to have a richer mixture, thus cutting the engines...

Try our DC2, all systems are implemented as in the real plane, flying with the Aviodrome museum.

I always say: no DC3 without the DC2.

Cheers, Rob

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Glad you enjoyed the MEBAR, Rob - thanks for joining us!

And thanks for the DC-2. I was introduced to her in Ernie Gann's book 'Fate is the Hunter" and have the UIVER model in my hangar. Haven't had much time with her - yet - but she's most impressive and quite realistic. You got to do it 'by the numbers' and I really like that. Can be a bit touchy sometimes, as I found out on GAAR 2011 at Lady Elliott Island:


But practice makes perfect - I hope! :whis:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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