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Guess the cockpit! **Here's another One!**

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I thought I would drag this one kicking and screaming to the top of the forum!

A real EASY one as Fred would say, Just the one shot as that is all you need :yikes:


Good luck

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Well, what can we infer from what we have....


1) Zinc chromate primed interior suggests a military AC


2) Labelling the arm rest as "ARM REST" ditto...only a military genius could decide that was needed.


3) Piston engine, I think - only one.


4) The yellow demarcation of the primary flight instruments implies, "Hey, trainee, look here!" Therefore,

training aircraft..?


5) The "look and feel" of what's visible on the the panel seems way post-WWII, '70s perhaps, possibly earlier.

I'm going to take a SWAG (another American colloquialism, 5 points if you know what it stands for)...


Is it a Beech T-34 Mentor? There was a piston version, though most had turboprops.




Uh, oh! Liquid cooled engine. That resets things. Probably not a trainer, as most liquid cooled AC had

BIG engines, Rolls or Packards or such.


Um, Mut, yes, I'd be up for another clue.



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Clues :


John you must know what this is your silly wild assed guess wasn't so bad, but not right :yikes:

Yes it has a Packard-Merlin Liquid cooled V 12 engine fitted with a two-stage, two-speed supercharger.

This converted version is a post war model although this aircraft saw action as bomber escort.

So loved is this aircraft they named a car after it.

Ok, that's gotta do it :wink:


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I think Smeagol must be right. Windscreen's right for a Mustang, and it had a Packard Merlin, and there is an automobile by that name. I think he's got it.


By the way, here SWAG is generally taken to mean Scientific Wild Assed Guess. Four and a half

points, Mut. :yikes:



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Well done Sam here she is in all her glory!


John, I was struggling with what the S would stand for as there are many variations. A lot of them unprintable!

If you fancy posting one Sam have a go. If not I'll do another.


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Hi Sam,

it's not something I immediately recognise but it is a very good shot. The deatil in the VC must be superb. Hmm.. something from Captain Sim?

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