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Stupid default ATC

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I just landed after announcing I'm on base and final then a plane came 2 secs behind me and rammed me! My greaser for nothing!

Thinking about getting radar contact for the ATC alternative but will this sort this kind of issue if I fly vfr?

Also how difficult is it to use? I don't want to waste my money?

Thanks guys

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For VFR it's very hard to use since it only works with IFR flights ;)

As for the AI Radar Contact won't solve that for you either, it has little to no control over the AI traffic.

There's a small free application called AISmooth (if I remember correctly) that solves it most of the time, but at times it will miss some traffic. Not sure on a download link, but maybe someone else have one.

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For VFR it's very hard to use since it only works with IFR flights ;)

As for the AI Radar Contact won't solve that for you either, it has little to no control over the AI traffic.

There's a small free application called AISmooth (if I remember correctly) that solves it most of the time, but at times it will miss some traffic. Not sure on a download link, but maybe someone else have one.

A ok cool I will go find it


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For ground operations there's actually another solution, but you need to add a gauge to every plane in your FSX hangar where you want it to work.

Check this topic on the Radar Contact Forum.

I havn't tried it myself yet, but I'm thinking about adding it after I reinstall my computer.

EDIT: After reading the readme-file I should also add that it needs a registered copy of FSUIPC to work.....

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There's only one answer to this in AH - set Crashes off in FS. It won't prevent the AI being stupid, but they'll fly (or taxi) right through you and nothing will happen.


This also applies when flying online. Aside from substitute "idiot" for "AI" :P

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There's only one answer to this in AH - set Crashes off in FS. It won't prevent the AI being stupid, but they'll fly (or taxi) right through you and nothing will happen.


Hi, i do not use it, but they talked about a "bugfix" if this is that... (FS9 Version)

"AISmooth AI Traffic Manager New version 1.11a now features: * Auto-expanding airport database with 13,000+ airports around the world * Optional voice output: ATC commands that are issued by AISmooth can now be heard through the speaker of your PC (only available on systems that have the Microsoft Speech Engine installed, default on Windows© XP) ... and several bugfixes of course ;-) Bugfix version avoids a problem with FSUIPC registration encountered in V1.11"

But it´s true, they talking about crashes after 15min. ! Damn. Incapable !!!

I´m using TraffficX !.

Cheers :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me, the best combination is

- Set crashes off

- Run AISmooth

- Use Radar Contact instead of default MS ATC

It's not perfect, but you can live with it. The worst that happens is some go-around you might not wish to make. You can always switch frequencies and ignore them or just kill RC. You're about to land anyway, so you won't be missing much to kill the controller at that point.


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  • 2 months later...

ATC gets bashed alot in print and I'll admit it does make mistakes, some funny ones at that, but as a whole it really can be a pretty good tool, It helped me learn about traffic control procedures when I was first learning about flight and also added that little bit more of realism. I don't use it all the time but it's there when I need it. And who doesn't get a kick out of hearing the ground chatter and seeing an aircraft leaving right after the call. Or hearing the aircraft ahead of you radioing in his landing intentions. Maybe it is not always running at 100% but I have always been impressed by it's ability's :thum: and at the same time thankful it's just a sim :D ..

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I might need to get this radar contact stuff - I must admit it does remove the realism a bit but I like the flying - the default ATC always brings me in way too high for the approach and it does my head in

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They should vector you to the approach course at around 2,000' AGL if terrain or other considerations are not a factor. Once on the approach course, if you are using ILS you can start down when the Glide Slope needle centers. That's usually at or near the Outer Marker, if there is one, and roughly 6 NM from the threshold. That should yield a normal 3 degree glide slope to the touchdown point.

Once they turn you inbound the approach controller will say something like, "...maintain XYX until established on the localizer..." or words to that effect. He won't tell you when to start down from there and neither will the tower controller when approch turns you over. The point at which you initiate the descent is kind of up to you but should normally be no earlier than the outer marker and you should keep the glide slope needle centered or low. If you call for a visual, then you can pretty much start the descent whenever you want - the assumption there is you can see the ground and will not run into any obstructions that might exist.


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