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Leg 72: Mauritius (FIMP) -> Madagascar (FMMI)

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Thanks firstly to Reef for getting the baton this far in such exquisite style once again congrats.gif, it really is a pleasure to follow on from you!! I just hope that I can keep up the pace and quality that seems to be the norm from you and others here on ATWC!

So, where are we now and what’s my part in this leg... Well, gents I was enjoying a fantastic sun soaked holiday in the tropics, on the tiny island of Mauritius. There I was, one Wednesday evening, stretched out on a lounger watching the sunset and enjoying a lovely ‘Mango Sangria’ when I got a call from Mutley asking if I was busy... naturally I said “...of course not, especially if it involves the ATWC. What do you need?

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Great flight Simi, I watched you come in, they had the fire tenders ready just in case as I had tipped them off it was you at the wheel :mrhappy:

I love RP's 748 a true classic and perfect for the flight.

Love the shot and commentary too, definitely worth a re-read. Thanks for getting the baoton here safely , I'll meet you in the Surf & Turf for a beer :wink:


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A really fantastic flight Simi, great choice of aircraft. The shots are perfect and the commentary was first-class, I love a good story to go with a set of screenies. Love the low-lying cloud you saw in the descent, really spectacular.



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Spiffing flight, Old Man! No, seriously, Simi - a most enjoyable trip - nice handling of the A/C (especially the landing!), a very respectable set of shots and an excellent commentary. Well done - many thanks.

Cheers - Dai.

p.s. Young Sharon sure gets around, eh?

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Hats off! I loved it. Great story line, very good shots and definitely a classy choice of AC and livery, all very appropriate. I think the airport scenery always adds a lot too, when you can get it. Yours looked great at both ends. Microsoft airports are functional, even plausible, but you just can't beat something done to actually mimic what's really there.

Don't sweat the off-center landing. We've all done it more than once. The problem with these ATWC flights is that we're usually trying to pull it off in an AC we have relatively little experience with.

As for Sharon, I'm getting more than a little concerned. This is too many times to be coincidence. I suspect skulduggery. She's FOLLOWING us, even anticipating us. Could she be from the CIA, or MI5 or the KGB or some other nefarious TLA *? What's her purpose? Is it possible she's from a competing web site? She seems to know where we'll turn up next. Mut, perhaps you should check to see if the departure board is really secure. Pilots beware. Guard your baton closely around her! Who knows what evil lurks...

* TLA = Three Letter Acronym


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Hi Guys,

Many thanks for the very kind words. I really enjoyed this flight, and hope it shows in the shots. Active Sky and Flight/Ground environments really did me proud on this flight and i was really impressed by the results. So some credit will be passed their way i can assure you.

I think the airport scenery always adds a lot too, when you can get it. Yours looked great at both ends. Microsoft airports are functional, even plausible, but you just can't beat something done to actually mimic what's really there.

I agree with you totally John. Scenery, terrain and weather as well as ground, sky and water textures can really enhance the sim and make it far more pleasing for screenshots. As i said, I've got both Ground and Flight Environment installed, as well as ActiveSky for the weather and FSGlobal SE for the terrain and i think you'll agree that it made a huge difference on this flight. I've also just gone out and purchased a few extras for my next leg (Tenerife South -> Funchal) - so here's looking forward to yet another approach i've never even dreamt of trying (far beyond my capability i think... we'll find out soon enough i guess!)

Again, thanks all for the kind words, its really appreciated. The time and effort spent on these flights for ATWC and the praise one gets for the end result really does put paid to what a fantastic community MH has become, so here's a cheer for the moderators and especially our very own Muts' Nuts! :mrhappy:

.....oh and before i forget, Mutley about that drink.... Surf 'n' Turf, 8pm tonight... you'll find me under the table nearest the bar with a half finished bottle of Jamesons Finest Blended Scotch Whisky :wink:......... see you there!

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Hi Guys,

you'll find me under the table nearest the bar with a half finished bottle of Jamesons Finest Blended Scotch Whisky :mrhappy:......... see you there!

Tut tut tut ..... I better get there soon! 001_th_smiles61.gif


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One more compliment, if your head isn't swelling already....

Hopefully everyone has noted that there is no horizontal scrolling needed to see any of your photos nor to read any text, yours or subsequent comments! Outstanding!

You took the time to resize all your shots to a reasonable width. In my last leg I missed resizing one screenshot and because of that everyone's text reformatted to the same width as the widest photo, something we should all be paying attention to.

So thanks for taking the care to do it right - one more detail of a very well done post. I'll give you this rarely used smiley.



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