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I'm trying to create a BGL from an XML that I made in the OPT. The OPT created the scenery XML and placed in in my FSX documents folder. I then placed it in a folder on my desktop along with a copy of the BglComp.exe” and “bglcomp.xsd. I try the old drag and drop with the XML and it does not create the BGL in the folder although the command box thingee shows for a half a second.

Anyone know why this is not working for me? Please keep in mind that I am not a code wiz. I did a search for an answer and the only thing I came up with is to do it manually, which was a bit beyond me, using a command prompt.

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It's possible to run the compiler in a command window and see the error messages, which will give you a clue why the compiler is choking on the XML file


1) Open a command window (as Admin if in Vista or Win7)

2) CD to the working folder

3) bglcomp


The compiler will run, will generate the error messages but the Command window will remain open so you can hunt down where the problem is.



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Thanks for the reply John :)

Newb Alert

I have never worked with the Command Prompt before so please bear with me. I did a search and found out that I need to type in CD(change directory) after the C:\Windows\system32> in the CP window. I have tried many combo's after that but nothing worked so far. I tried going to the folder first and then putting the bglcomp after the > of the folder name and also having the path go straight through. I even tried adding .exe after the bglcomp because it mentioned it in the SDK. So what exactly do I type in after ...32>? My path is C:\Users\Brett\Desktop\KHZL and inside the folder is My_Airport_Hanger.xml and the BGL applications.

Thanks again

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I don't use the OPT, but have a look at this:


Although the images are missing, the text gives you a step by step description of what to do...

BTW, I use InstantScenery2 - it's brilliant. And you can access Non-FSX scenery folders - very useful.

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

P.S. Are you populating empty airfields for MEBAR??

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exactly do I type in after ...32>? My path is C:\Users\Brett\Desktop\KHZL and inside the folder is My_Airport_Hanger.xml and the BGL applications.




After running the Command Prompt as Admin...


Enter CD C:\Users\Brett\Desktop\KHZL


At that point the command prompt should list that path before the ">" character, indicating that you've successfully changed to your working directory.


Enter BGLComp.exe My_Airport_Hanger.xml (the space is critical)


The compiler should run and will probably puke out a long list of problems. Scroll up and attack them one at a time, starting from the first error message listed. There will probably be line number references to each issue in the XML file which will make the offending code easy to find.


For FSX there are at least two versions of the SDK and you must be using the correct one for your version of FSX.




EDIT: Fix one problem at a time and then run the compiler again and attack the new top-of-the-list error message until you get a successful compile.



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Hi Dai,

I have a couple of issues. I read about creating a bgl and it was a matter of placing the scenery in free flight and hitting save scenery in the OPT. It created an xml and I was trying to turn it into a bgl. Simple right? I also have Instant Object Maker and it is not placing the scenery I created. It does create the bgl and texture files. I will check out the link. I was just trying to create a base airport for no particular reason except to learn how to do it.

I already flew leg 3 for Team A, things are a bit busy around here latly and I can't fly the whole MEBAR right now. I do have everything set up to fly at a later date.

I finally figured out the command prompt line and it totally dissed my xml. Anyone know what it actually says.


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Thanks John, I finally got it by adding the extentions to both and then saw Dai's post and was writing/typing really slow when you answered. I will try and muddle through it. No better time then now to learn whats going on with this Command Prompt I have always heard about.

Heres the xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="MissionFile" version="1,0">
<SceneryObjects.LibraryObject InstanceId="{2E163F59-5E4B-47F9-9BBD-F9F6FC1A3C48}">
<WorldPosition>N40° 59' 18.44",W75° 59' 30.61",+000000.00</WorldPosition>
<SceneryObjects.LibraryObject InstanceId="{66B06757-D34E-478D-BE9A-5AB5E7A4A7A6}">
<WorldPosition>N40° 59' 18.69",W75° 59' 29.60",+000000.00</WorldPosition>

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The problem is in the header. Not sure about that Schema for XML - that header is completely different from what I've seen used for scenery objects. What did you use to generate the XML file?



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Ah ha, could this be the problem. From the link in Dai's post

You can now exit the Object Placement Tool. When doing so, it will ask if you wish to Save your file - Do NOT do so. The Object Placement Tool is primarily used for creating FS X missions and will, by default, save in mission format:

Will have to make another xml and see what happens.

Edit Sorry John I keep posting over you. I'm using the OPT. I am used to saving twice in mission making(when leaving the OPT) and it appears as this is what I did wrong.

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I just made a quick test scenery and it did indeed create a bgl. Here is what the xml(if done properly :th_blush: ) should look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FSData version="9.0"><!-- Library sceneryObject: gen_hangar08 --><SceneryObject lat="40.988352" lon="-75.991655" alt="0.000000" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="0.000000" imageComplexity="VERY_SPARSE" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE"><LibraryObject name="2D20884C452CA458623CCBB41957D14B" scale="1.000000"/></SceneryObject></FSData>

What sent me on the right track was seeing the word Type=MissionFile in the incorrect xml and in the command prompt it said the title and type was invalid. Thats not to say I can now understand what that whole thing is saying. :stars:

Thanks for the help guys. Couldn't have done it without ya's :D

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looks like you have found the problem.

Scenery files accidentally saved as mission files can be easily restored back to their scenery format - see my posting 'Corrupt FSX Scenery xml file' here in Scenery / Environment.


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That's funny, I even answered in that post. Didn't understand it's concept as much as I do now but saved it for a rainy day. The tip will now come in handy as I had incorrectly saved an even bigger file that I can now save from the scrap heap.

Ray's post: http://forum.mutleys...enery-xml-file/

Thanks a bunch,


Now how do we remark this thread as solved(as soon as I solve this :whis: )

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Great news you got it sorted :thum:

To change the forum post status, go to your first post and select edit, and you can change the tag just below the topic title ^_^



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I finally got my first 3D created scenery to show up, I had mentioned this above, about having trouble with it. I made an airport sign with flower bed in Instant Object Maker. I can see where I need to tighten up my polygon seams but other than that it was a fun project to do and actually looks pretty cool IMO. Now the possibilites are endless. Thought I would share it with you all.


Next on the list is figuring out how to change ground textures.

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